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Neuromuscular Diseases


Neuromuscular diseases is a term which encompasses diseases which affect the muscles (muscle cells), signal transmission from nerves to muscles (neuromuscular signal transmission disorders), the peripheral nerves (neuropathy), and motor nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain (Motorneural diseases)

Classification and Causes

The subjective impairments and characteristics of neuromuscular diseases are, like the diseases themselves, various. There are a total of 650 known neuromuscular diseases. Normally one region of the body experiences muscular weakness, at times muscle atrophy, muscle pain, muscle cramps, ticks, problems swallowing or speaking. Diasgnostics strives to identify the exact disease and its cause.


The diagnosis covers a detailed medical history and a clinical examination with ascertainment of muscle status. With these results, classification of the disease is often possible, further testing may be necessary.


Therapy is dependent upon the type of disease and how far the disease has progressed. It must be tailored to each patient and their specific needs.

Further Information

http://www.dgm.org (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke e.V.) (German)
http://www.mndassociation.org/ Motor Neurone Association
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/ National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke