Welcome to the Institute of Anatomy (ANA) at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. The ANA is one of the preclinical institutes of the University Medical Center Mainz, with a research focus on neuroanatomy, neurobiology, clinical anatomy and history of human anatomy, as well as a teaching curriculum that spans the breadth of the anatomical spectrum. Located at the heart of the JGU Campus in the Biomedical Research Center and the Anatomy building, the Institute of Anatomy is an integral member of the biomedical research and teaching community at JGU Mainz.
Research at the Institute of Anatomy focuses broadly on two major topics. A key research area lies in understanding the neuroanatomy and neurobiology of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders, with a particular focus on Shank-related synaptopathies (Schmeisser lab) and GABAergic synapses and circuits in psychiatric disorders (Krueger-Burg lab). Accordingly, the ANA is integrated into the Focus Program
Translational Neuroscience FTN, the
Rhine-Main-Neuroscience Network rmn², as well as being affiliated with the
Mainz Research Center for Mental Health MZPG. The second main research theme of the ANA lies in the field of clinical anatomy as well as historical aspects (Prüll lab).
The Institute of Anatomy holds responsibility for the teaching curriculum in anatomy in the preclinical phase of their studies. In this context, faculty members and teaching staff organize and hold lectures, seminars and practical courses in both macroscopic and microscopic anatomy. In addition, a key mission of the Institute is to train the future generation of scientists and clinical-scientists in the context of the
Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed), with which all Institute faculty members are affiliated as principal investigators.
We invite you to explore our homepage for more details on our research and teaching activities! For further questions, our staff is available to help you.