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- Allgemeine multiple Testprozeduren
- Multiple Testprozeduren mit geordneten p-Werten
- Gatekeeping-Prozeduren
- Adaptive Designs
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- HOMMEL, G. (1983). Tests of the overall hypothesis for arbitrary dependence structures. Biom. J. 25, 423-430.
- HOMMEL, G. (1986). Multiple test procedures for arbitrary dependence structures. Metrika 33, 321-336.
- HOMMEL, G. (1988). A stagewise rejective multiple test procedure based on a modified Bonferroni test. Biometrika 75, 383-386.
- HOMMEL, G. (1989). A comparison of two modified Bonferroni procedures. Biometrika 76, 624-625.
- HOCHBERG, Y., HOMMEL, G. (1998). Multiple Hypotheses, Simes' Test of. In S.Kotz (ed.): Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Update Volume 2, 418-422, Wiley, New York.
- HOMMEL, G., BERNHARD, G. (1999). Bonferroni procedures for logically related hypotheses. J. Statist. Planning and Inference 82, 119-128.
- HOMMEL, G. (2001). Adaptive modifications of hypotheses after an interim analysis. Biom. J. 43, 581-589.
- HOMMEL, G., KROPF, S. (2005). Tests for differentiation in gene expression using a data-driven order or weights for hypotheses. Biom. J. 47, 554-562.
- HOMMEL, G., BRETZ, F., MAURER, W. (2007). Powerful short-cuts for multiple testing procedures with special reference to gatekeeping strategies. Stat. in Med. 26, 4063-4073.
- HOMMEL, G., BRETZ, F. (2008). Aesthetics and power considerations in multiple testing - a contradiction? Biom J. 50, 657-666.
- HOMMEL, G. (2010). Hypothesis-Adaptive Design. In: Annpey Pong, and Shein-Chung Chow, Handbook of Adaptive Designs in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Development, Chapter 16. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton / London / New York.
- HOMMEL, G., BRETZ, F., MAURER, W. (2011). Multiple tests based on ordered p-values: A historical survey and applications in medical research. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 21, 595–609.