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Panholzer, Torsten, Dr. Head of the Department of Medical Informatics 178208 or 3938778 torsten.panholzer
Ronckers, Cécile, Dr. Head of the Department of Childhood Cancer Epidemiology and the German Childhood Cancer Registry 173111 ronckerc
Schmidtmann, Irene, Dr. Head of the Biometrics Department 173951 or 3938716 irene.schmidtmann
Ziegler, Thomas Head of the Medical Documentation Department and the IT-Service Management Department 175185 or 3938752 thomas.ziegler

Institute Director

Strauch, Konstantin, Prof. Dr. Institute Director 177369 strauch
Singer, Susanne, Prof. Dr. Deputy Director of the Institute and Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Health Services Research 175835 singers
Urschitz, Michael, Prof. Dr. Head of the Department of Pediatric Epidemiology 173122 urschitz
Wollschläger, Daniel, Prof. Dr. Head of the Department of Epidemiological Methodology and Radiation Research 177029 wollschlaeger
Blettner, Maria, Prof. Dr. n.a n.a blettner
Hommel, Gerhard, Prof. Dr. n.a n.a gerhard.hommel
Michaelis, Jörg, Prof. Dr. n.a n.a jmichael
Wellek, Stefan, Prof. Dr. n.a n.a welleks
Abassi, Najla Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics n.n abassina
Aboulmaouahib, Brahim Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 178321 baboulma
Apeldoorn, Daan Medical infomatics 178206 or 3938776 daan.apeldoorn
Bayer, Oliver Epidemiology 174577 or 3938724 oliver.bayer
Benner, Johanna Budget and third-party funds administration 173112 johanna.benner
Blanck, Julian Epidemiology 5933 jublanck
Blomenkamp, Susanne Medical documentation 175830 or 3938722 blomenkamp
Blum, Daniel Medical infomatics 178155 or 3938775 daniel.blum
Brauer, Juri IT Service Management 173108 or 3938773 juri.brauer
Bremensdorfer, Claudia German Childhood Cancer Registry 173227 claudia.bremensdorfer
Brugger, Markus Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 3938710 brugger
Büchler, Britta Health Services Research 176853 or 3938725 britta.buechler
Büttner, Matthias Epidemiology 173125 matbuett
Csipak, Andrea Medical documentation 178347 or 3938741 ancsipak
Diefenbach, Christiane, Dr. Pediatric epidemiology 3938734 c.diefenbach
Eichinger, Michael, Dr. Pediatric epidemiology 3938733 eichinger
El Ouenjli, Abdellaziz IT Service Management 173106 or 3938774 ouenjli
Engesser, Deborah Health Services Research 173232 deborah.engesser
Erdmann, Friederike, PD Dr. German Childhood Cancer Registry 177039 or 3938760 erdmann
Fencel, Sabine Medical documentation 3938769 safencel
Filbert, Anna-Liesa German Childhood Cancer Registry 173104 or 3938701 anfilber
Fischer, Jana Pediatric epidemiology 178209 or 3938735 jfischer
Flamme, Julia German Childhood Cancer Registry 176808 julia.flamme
Francis, Bishoy IT Service Management n.n franbish
Friedrichs, Christine Budget and third-party funds administration 175378 or 3930812 friedrichs.christine
Gianicolo, Emilio, Dr. Epidemiology 173124 or 3938721 emilio.gianicolo
Grabow, Desiree, Dr. German Childhood Cancer Registry 173109 or 3938757 desiree.grabow
Grüninger, Sonja Medical documentation 3938740 sgruenin
Ha, Chung Shing Rex Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 176711 rexha
Henneberger, C. Medical documentation 178328 hechrist
Heß, Anja Pediatric epidemiology/DKKR 175386 or 3938753 anjahess
Hick, Martina German Childhood Cancer Registry 176708/177195 or 3938755 martina.Hick
Hoffmann Clemente, Sandra Data protection coordinator 178392 sandra.hoffmann-clemente
Jung, Irene German Childhood Cancer Registry 177543 irene.jung
Kabala, Matthias Medical infomatics 178155 or 3938739 kabala
Kadel, Simone Pediatric epidemiology 178209 or 3938728 kadelsim
Kaiser, Melanie German Childhood Cancer Registry 173863 or 3938759 kaiserm
Kemmerer, Pascal Epidemiology 177463 pascal.kemmerer
Khoddam-Zadeh, Ataollah IT Service-Management 173107 khoddamz
Kopp, Katrin Maria Epidemiology 174366 katrin.kopp
Knörr, Lisa Medical documentation 178328 lisa.knoerr
König, Jochem, Dr. Pediatric epidemiology 175714 or 3938749 koenigjo
Kuchen, Robert Medical biometrics 173120 or 3938714 rokuchen
Kuhle, Stefan Pediatric epidemiology 173112 or 3938738 stefan.kuhle
Lenz, Stefan, Dr. Medical infomatics 178155 stefan.lenz
Lilienthal, Timm IT Service-Management 178413 lilitimm
Lintelmann, Ute Secretariat 175063 lintelma
Lutz, Manuel Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics n.n. manuel.lutz
Macho, Philipp Medical infomatics 177463 or 3938779 phimacho
Maier, Lena Epidemiology 175933 lenmaier
Malonga Makosi, Dorothée-Suzanne Marie Pediatric epidemiology 3938766 dorothee.malonga
Marini, Federico, Dr. Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 178108 or 3938711 marinif
Merzenich Hiltrud, Dr. Epidemiology 173113 hmerzeni
Mildenberger, Philipp Medical biometrics 173120 or 3938718 pmildenb
Mormul, Simone Management assistant 173252 simone.mormul
Müller-Nurasyid, Martina, Dr. Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 3938719 martimue
Nedwed, Annekatrin Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 178321 anneludt
Nitschke, Petra German Childhood Cancer Registry 175286 nitschkp
Oqba, Hiba Epidemiology n.n oqbahiba
Paul, Roman Medical biometrics 177019 roman.paul
Perera Cutiño, Diana Marlen Medical documentation 172433 or 3938742 dpererac
Perner, Tosten IT Service Management 178210 t.perner
Peschel, Victoria Medical biometrics/IT Service Management 178138 or 3938791 victoria.peschel
Ressing, Meike, Dr. German Childhood Cancer Registry 173003 or 3938731 ressing
Riegel, Jürgen Medical infomatics 3938777 juergen.riegel
Rieger, Katrin Medical biometrics 173102 katrin.rieger
Sandkämper, Lucas Medical infomatics 3938785 lucas.sandkaemper
Schepers, Markus, Dr. Medical biometrics 178246 or 3938715 markus.schepers
Schranz, Melanie, Dr. Epidemiology 176712 or 3938726 melanie.schranz
Schulze, Alicia, Dr. Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics 178207 alicia.schulze
Seibert, Michaela Masterstudiengang Epidemiologie 178428 seibert
Stalujanis, Esther, Dr. Epidemiology 175933 esther.stalujanis
Sterk, Angela Medical documentation 174471 or 3938743 angsterk
Stuyvenberg van, Adriaan Medical documentation 176807 or 3938767 avanstuy
Taylor, Katherine, Dr. Epidemiology 175186 kataylor
Tibyampansha, Dativa, Dr. Medical infomatics 175062 or 3938781 dtibyamp
Trübenbach, Claudia German Childhood Cancer Registry 172268 or 3938756 claudia.truebenbach
Ustjanzew, Arsenij Medical infomatics 177463 or 3938783 arsenij.ustjanzew
Vaezieraghi, Mahsa Medical infomatics 178155 or 3938784 mvaezier
Wellbrock, Maike German Childhood Cancer Registry 174432 or 3938758 mwellbro
Weil, Kathrin German Childhood Cancer Registry 177624 kathweil
Zeyßig, Colette German Childhood Cancer Registry 173938 czeyssig
Ziegler, Joshua Epidemiology 173121 zieglerj