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Medical Documentation

At the start of the 20th century, Paul Otlet defined the term “documentation” as the collection, ordering and utilisation of documents of all kinds. Source: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Otlet

Core areas

Developing and maintaining databases

  • Customized solutions 
  • Organisation databases
  • Study databases 
  • Online questionnaires with LimeSurvey
  • Software: MS-ACCESS, PostgreSQL, LimeSurvey

Data management / Data analyses / Data evaluation / Data processing

  • Data preparation / cleaning: Programming of plausibility / validity checks and corrections, merge of data from various sources: ACCESS, EXCEL, TXT, HTML 
  • Descriptive data evaluation with SAS, SAS macros, SAS-SQL und ODSGRAPHICS, templates for custiomized data output


Planning and organisation of workflows and processes in studies

  • Standardized resident registration office searches, causes of death searches
  • Interviewer training /interviews
  • Preparation of guidelines / manuals on the course of studies and on the use of databases
  • Questionnaire and database consulting for Universitätsmedizin Mainz employees
  • MSE Skill Module „databases- und documentation“, incl. assignment