Supervision by
The association of urinary nitrate/nitrite levels with myocardial infarction (MI), cardiovascular mortality and stroke incidence in the ESTHER cohort study with up to 10 years follow-up
Adhikari, Krishna
Dr. Gerrit Toenges
Factors affecting access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services among women with disabilities in Zamfara State, Nigeria.
Ahmad, Nafisa
Deborah Engesser
Effects of empagliflozin on quality of life and mental well-being compared to usual care in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus – Results of a phase IV, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study (EmDia)
Baumkötter, Rieke
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Identification of metabolic factors predicting the development of cancer in participants of the Gutenberg Health Study, a prospective, population-based cohort study
Bedenbender-Stoll, Eva
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann,PD Dr. Sylke Zeißig
Socioeconomic position and its impact on patient reported outcome six months after hip or knee replacement
Berger, Leonie
Britta Büchler, Matthias Büttner
Risiko für inzidenten Brust-, Prostata-, Darm- und Lungenkrebs bei einer Vorgschichte kardiovaskulärer Ereignisse - Eine eingebettete Fall-Kontroll-Studie in einer deutschen bevölkerungsbezogenen Kohorte
Brach, Benedikt
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Herpes and General Infection Risks on Janus Kinase Inhibitors versus Biologics in a Nationwide Swedish Cohort of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: An application of novel data-adaptive causal inference methods to observational healthcare data
Malik Cakir
Dr. Stefan Kuhle
Emergency physician efficiency benchmarking using Data Envelopment Analysis
Chandratilleke, Nisha
Matthias Büttner
Comparative effectiveness of vancomycin and metronidazole on event-free survival after initial infection in patients with Clostridiodes difficele - a German multiccentre cohort study (IBIS)
Conrad, Jana
Dr. Emilio Gianicolo
The clinical efficacy of multiplex PCR panel diagnostics in pediatric meningitis/encephalitis: A bicenter, retrospective cohort study
Disse, Sigrid
Prof. Dr. Michael Urschitz
Loss to Follow-Up in der Beschäftigtenstichprobe der Gutenberg-Gesundheitsstudie zwischen Baseline und 5-Jahres-Follow-Up
Drossard, Claudia
Prof. Philipp Wild
Factors associated with the fertility of the helminth parasite Ascaris lumbricoides in a Venezuelan rural community
Escalona, Nelson
Dr. Eva Lorenz
Development of a Germany-wide exposure model for NO2 using land use regression and its application in a cross-sectional analysis on the association between NO2 exposure and migraine.
Fullerton, Birgt
Dr. Emilio Gianicolo
Meta-analysis of the real-world safety and effectiveness of targeted agents in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) therapy
Gang, Hanna
Dorothee Malonga Makosi
Hospitalisation and hospital length of stay of cancer inpatients, the role of socio-demographic and clinical characteristics: a retrospective study of the three common malignant tumour conditions in Ghana.
Gbogbo, Emmanuel
Matthias Büttner
Seroprävalenz und assoziierte Faktoren der Toxoplasmose bei Mädchen in Deutschland. Ergebnisse der zweiten Folgebefragung der KiGGS-Studie
Giese, Laura
Dr. Eva Lorenz
Prädiktoren für die Beantragung von analytischer versus tiefenpsychologischer Psychotherapie
Götz, Lukas
Prof. Susanne Singer, Lena Maier
Epidemiological analysis of the end of life needs of the Austrian general population
Goldnagl, Lena
Nicola Riccetti
Respiratory Symptoms and Acute Respiratory Infections in the First Four Years of Life – Data from the German LoewenKIDS Birth Cohort Study
Gottschick, Cornelia
Prof. Michael Urschitz
Zusammenhänge zwischen sozioökonomischem Status und Adipositas bei Frauen und Männern mit und ohne Kinder-Ergebnisse der GEDA Sudie 2009,2010 & 2012
Grigo Nadine
Dr. Roman Pokora
Resistance decay after antibiotic exposure: A dose-response meta-analysis
Griskaitis, Matas
Dorle Hoffmann
Comparison of Operating Characteristics of the three univariate Equivalence Testing Approaches and their Applicability in Epidemiology
Günther, Kai
Annekatrin Ludt
The association between the course of symptoms of depression and mortality as well as survival: Results from the longitudinal CARLA study on the elderly population of Halle from 2002 to 2019. A retrospective cohort study
Haase, Juliane
Dr. Emilio Gianicolo
A sex-specific analysis of the acute effects of nocturnal road traffic noise exposure on cardiovascular function, stress response, and sleep
Hahad, Omar
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Identification of germline loci associated with susceptibility to Ewing sarcoma and disease severity and prognosis
Hall, Alisha
Dr. Martina Müller-Nurasyid
Re-Analyse einer retrospektiven Kohortenstudie zur Mortalität von Arbeitern in Titandioxid produzierenden Fabriken in Deutschland
Hansa, Jannis
Dr. Emilio Gianicolo, Dr. Hiltrud Merzenich
Agreement in symptom reporting between prostate cancer patients and healthcare professionals in the international prospective multicentre REQUITE study
Heumann, Philipp
Kathy Taylor
Literature review and meta-analysis of sensitivity and specificity of human papilloma virus (HPV) serology for HPV-driven oropharyngeal cancer
Hibbert, Julia
Dan Baaken
Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren und resultierender Muster zur Impfentscheidung für einen nicht zugelassenen mRNA-basierten Impfstoff in einer deutschen Universitätsmedizinkohorte - eine retrospektive explorative Querschnittstudie
Huissel, Rahel-Irina
Dr. Anke Hollinderbäumer
Systemische Analgetika in der zahnärztlichen Versorgung: Eine Querschnittsstudie zur Analyse der Verschreibungs- und Empfehlungspraktiken
Prof. Dr. Kämmerer, Peer
Dr. Michael Hopp, Dr. Anke Hollinderbäumer
Systematische Unterschiede zwischen Mukoviszidose- Ambulanzen in Deutschland mit besuchsbezogener (Stufe 2) und primär jährlicher (Stufe 1) Datendokumentation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lungenfunktion- eine Analyse anhand von Daten aus dem Deutschen Mukoviszidose-Register 2018
Karrasch, Lisa
Dr. Emilio Gianicolo
Entwicklung von Prognosen und Qualitätsregelkarten zur Detektion von Campylobacterfällen in Niedersachsen unter Einbezug des One-Health-Konzepts
Kirse, Alina
Dr. Eva Lorenz
Veränderung der körperlichen Aktivitäten und deren Einflussfaktoren während der geriatrischen Rehabilitation- eine prospektive Kohortenstudie
Kneip, Denise
Robert Kuchen
Presbyopia – Prevalence, Incidence, Risk Factors and its Influence on Visionrelated Quality of Life
Köckeritz, Antje
Prof. Susanne Singer
Differences in Quality of Life and Toxicity among Long-Term Survivors of Head and Neck Cancer in light of Radiation Technique Received
Kopp, Katrin
Katherine Taylor
Die Prävalenz sexualisierter Belästigungserfahrungen von Mitarbeiter*innen an baden-württembergischen Universitätsklinika
Kuchenbaur, Marco
PD. Dr. Daniel Wollschläger
Assessing the role of risk perception on smoking cessation using multiple logistic regressen models: A comparison of causal vs. traditional statistical strength-of-association-based modeling
Kurz, Deborah
Dr. Jochem König
Häufigkeit und Determinanten von Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität bei Patienten mit Lungenembolie
Leone, Vincenza
Oliver Bayer
The association between small-area socioeconomic deprivation and parameters of the health status in patients with cystic fibrosis in Germany. A cross-sectional study using data from the German Cystic Fibrosis Registry 2021.
Lohe, Vanessa
Dr. Friederike Erdmann
Faktor-V-Leiden-Paradox bei homozygoten Faktor-V-Leiden-Mutationsträgern - eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie
Luxembourg, Beate
Dr. Michael Eichinger
Zusammenhang zwischen sozioökonomischem Status (SES) und Lebensqualität bei Kehlkopfteilresezierten
Marschall, Jörg
Prof. Susanne Singer, Dr. Kathy Taylor
Prevalence and prognostic relevance of pre-existing chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in patients presenting with acute pulmonary embolism - Results from the Follow-Up after Acute Pulmonary Embolism (FOCUS) Study
Mavromanoli, Anna
Prof. Michael Urschitz
Erstgeborener, Sandwichkind, Nesthäkchen - hängt die Geschwisterfolge mit Bildung und psychischer Gesundheit zusammen
May, David
Dr. Christian Ruckes
The micobiological profile and antibiotic resistances of clinical isolates from dental and oral-maxillofacial medicine in Germany
Meinen, Annika
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Potential of Salivary Endocannabinoids to Act as Stress Markers in an Induced Stress Setting - Results of a clinical trial conducted in the setting of the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST)
Meyer, Nora
Philipp Mildenberger
Risk of Second Primary Non-Breast Cancer at the End of the 10-years Follow-up of the Marie Study: A German Breast Cancer Cohort
Müller, Laura
Oliver Bayer
Analysis of adherence to treatment guidelines for cervical cancer prevention based on the TeQaZ study
Nischiwtz, Sandra
Dr. Hiltrud Merzenich
Validierung des Morningness-Eveningness-Questionnaires und des Munich Chronotype Questionnaires in einer Wechselschichtpopulation - Eine Fitness-App basierte Studie
Noll, Marie-Kristin
Dr. Hiltrud Merzenich
The 23-year dual trajectories of depressive symptoms and social support among Swedish adults: a population-based cohort study
Ortmann, Julia
Lena Maier
Wie sicher fühlen sich die Patientenbetreuer des Bundesverbandes der Kehlkopfoperierten e.V. bei der Beratungstätigkeit der Patienten?
Petelkau, Tabea
Prof. S. Singer
Predictors of Missing and Implausible Values in Self-Reported Physical Activity in Sarcoma Patients.
Pfrommer, Laura
Prof. S. Singer
Investigating pre-testing symptom combinations to predict SARS-CoV-2 test results among health care workers: A retrospective analysis of the prospective observational CPMpreVac study at the University Medical Centre in Mainz
Popow, Julia
PD. Dr. Daniel Wollschläger
Psycho-social support in breast cancer patients with and without migation background
Ricetti, Nicola
Prof. S. Singer, Dr. Ana Nanette Tibubos
Comparison of active and passive malaria case detection in Sumba Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
Imelda Riupassa-Wunderlich
Dr. Eva Lorenz
Faktoren zur Vorhersage des Risikos und der Prognose von synchronen Hirnmetastasen beim primären Lungenkarzinom: Eine landesweite Krebsregisterstudie
Scheying, Helen
PD. Dr. Daniel Wollschläger
Validation of self-reported cancer diagnoses in the cohort of the Gutenberg-Health-Study in comparison to notifications of the population-based cancer registry of Rhineland-Palatinate
Schoeps, Melissa
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann, PD Dr. Sylke Zeißig
Systemic medication and its impact on intraocular pressure change over 5 – years in a populationbased sample.
Scholz, Ida
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Warum nutzen oder empfehlen Menschen ambulante Krebsberatungsstellen (KBS) und wie werden sie darauf aufmerksam (gemacht)? Analyse der Nutzungs- respektive Zuweisungsgründe und Zugangswege zu KBS aus der Sicht von Ratsuchenden und Zuweisenden.
Schranz, Melanie
Prof. Susanne Singer
Predictors of sex steroid hormone concentrations in postmenopausal women using and not using hormone therapy
Schüssler, Sofie
Dr. Hiltrud Merzenich
Statin use and the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus or pre-diabetes mellitus – a historical cohort study using individuals from the German Gutenberg Health Study
Seemann, Wiebke
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Spatial distribution and risk analysis of schistosome’s infection intensity among adults in Madagascar: a secondary analysis of a cross-sectional epidemiological study
Simeonova, Yanita
Dr. Eva Lorenz
Seasonality as a determinant of food intake and changes in selected biomarkers
Stelmach-Mardas, Marta
Dr. Irene Schmidtmann
Spatial distribution and determinants of Helicobacter pylori cases in the Rhine-Main area
Strobl, Stephanie
Dr. Emilio Gianicolo
Plant-based dietary patterns and risk of all-cause mortality in diabetes subgroups: a prospective cohort study from the UK Biobank
Szczerba, Edyta
Deborah Engesser
Phosphatidylcholines and the MIND diet: a step towards a better understanding of possible mechanisms that may reduce the risk for neurodegenerative diseases due to diet
Teletzky, Nina
Deborah Engesser
The polygenic R package - efficient and user-friendly polygenic risk score creation
Ten Cate, Vincent
Dr. Martina Müller-Nurasyid
Methodenkritische Analyse zur Abschätzung von Prävalenzen chronischer Nierenerkrankungen in der "Grafschaft Bentheim" anhand von automatisch generierten eGFR-Werten eines Labordatensatzes der Jahre 2014 - 2017
Tillmann, Frank-Peter
Prof. Susanne Singer
Systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological and clinical studies on mechanistic pathways underlying the associations between body fatness and mammographic density
Urruchua Rodriguez, Mary Jose
Oliver Bayer
Investigating the relationship between insufficient sleep in adolescence and depressive symptoms in young adulthood: Findings from the GINIplus and LISA birth cohorts.
Weinzierl, Marlene
Dr. Esther Stalujanis
Development and validation of a multivariable risk prediction model for hepatic steatosis in patients with HIV infection.
Wirth, Marielle
Dan Baaken
Prävalenz von Depression bei Langzeitüberlebenden nach Brust-, Darm- und Prostatakrebs im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung in Deutschland.
Wittke, Christian
Dr. Sylke Zeißig