Dr. phil. Mareike Ernst

Dr. phil. MSc. Psych. Mareike Ernst
Dr. phil. MSc. Psych. Mareike Ernst
Funktionen Scientist funded by the MZPG CONNECT Early Career Program

Temporal variability of risk and resilience factors for mental health: TempRes

The project uses Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) to investigate temporal dynamics of mood and psychological distress with a special focus on loneliness and suicidal Ideation, and theoretically derived vulnerability and protective factors in a clinical and in a community sample.

The results will provide an empirical basis for the development of specific interventions to promote resilience in the population and in at-risk groups.

Dr. phil. MSc. Psych. Mareike Ernst is a psychologist, psychotherapist in training and research associate at the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy of the University Medical Center Mainz. She received her doctorate in 2019 for a thesis on the mental health of long-term survivors after childhood and adolescent cancer. Her main research interests are psychooncology, trauma, and suicide prevention.