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Pre-clinical molecular (optical non-invasive 3D in vivo small animal) imaging (Danckwardt Group)

We apply preclinical molecular optical imaging to monitor dynamic (disease) processes non-invasively in living organisms (as well as ex vivo in human specimens). By using molecular labelling strategies and genetically modified animals we visualize a wide spectrum of molecular events and processes in cells, tissues, organs and the whole body of living organisms in T&H research and beyond (such as vascularization and neoangiogensis, vessel integrity, cell tracking, infiltration of immune and tumor cells, bacteria, inflammation, infection, metabolism, hypoxia, glucose-metabolism). Preclinical molecular imaging thus constitutes a “diagnostic” continuum beyond other in vitro, ex vivo and invasive in vivo imaging modalities to close the gap between basic insights obtained by experimental research and the clinical understanding of complex disease mechanisms and potentially new therapeutic targets.

"Preclinical Optical Imaging" - Danckwardt lab (Pdf-file, 2,9 MB)

Should you have any question or face challenges where you think we could help with our technology, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us!

Further references

  • Nourse J, Tokalov S, Khokhar S, Khan E, Schott LK, Hinz L, Eder L, Arnold-Schild D, Satrapa J,  Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Probst HC, Danckwardt S. Non-invasive imaging of gene expression and protein secretion dynamics in living mice: identification of ectopic prothrombin expression as driver of thrombosis in cancer. BioRxiv PrePrint. 2022. doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.08.451623
  • Ma J, Klemm J, Gerardo-Ramírez M, Frappart L, Castven D, Becker D, Zoch A, Parent R, Bartosch B, Minnich K, Giovannini M, Danckwardt S, Hartmann N, Morrison H, Herrlich P, Marquardt JU, Hartmann M. Cluster of differentiation 44 promotes osteosarcoma progression in mice lacking the tumor suppressor Merlin. Int J Cancer. 2020 Nov 1;147(9):2564-2577
  • Schaupp L, Muth S, Rogell L, Kofoed-Branzk M, Melchior F, Lienenklaus S, Ganal-Vonarburg SC, Klein M, Guendel F, Hain T, Schutze K, Grundmann U, Schmitt V, Dorsch M, Spanier J, Larsen PK, Schwanz T, Jäckel S, Reinhardt C, Bopp T, Danckwardt S, Mahnke K, Heinz GA, Mashreghi MF, Durek P, Kalinke U, Kretz O, Huber TB, Weiss S, Wilhelm C, Macpherson AJ, Schild H, Diefenbach A, Probst HC. Microbiota-Induced Type I Interferons Instruct a Poised Basal State of Dendritic Cells. Cell 2020;181(5):1080-1096 e1019.
  • Ogorodnikov A, Levin M, Tattikota S, Tokalov S, Hoque M, Scherzinger D, Marini F, Poetsch A, Binder H, Macher-Göppinger S, Probst HC, Tian B, Schaefer M, Lackner KJ, Westermann F, Danckwardt S. Transcriptome 3'end organization by PCF11 links alternative polyadenylation to formation and neuronal differentiation of neuroblastoma. Nat Commun 2018;9(1):5331.
  • Kargapolova Y, Levin M, Lackner K, Danckwardt S (2017) sCLIP-an integrated platform to study RNA-protein interactomes in biomedical research: identification of CSTF2tau in alternative processing of small nuclear RNAs. Nucleic Acids Res 2017;45(10):6074-6086.
  • Steven S, Jurk K, Kopp M, Kröller-Schön S, Mikhed Y, Schwierczek K, Roohani S, Kashani F, Oelze M, Klein T, Tokalov S, Danckwardt S, Strand S, Wenzel P, Münzel T, Daiber A. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor signalling reduces microvascular thrombosis, nitrosative and oxidative stress, systemic inflammation and platelet activation in endotoxaemic mice. British journal of pharmacology. 2016.
  • Tokalov & Danckwardt, available upon request
  • Tokalov et al. Chest, 2012
  • Tokalov et al. ESKS Baumann M. (Ed.), Hamburg, Germany 2012


Professor Sven Danckwardt, MD

Head of the Professorship ''Experimental Hemostasis and Laboratory Medicine'' (Module A); DZHK Scientist

Phone 06131/ 17-6041 or 17-2632
Fax    06131/ 17-5588

Email:  sven.danckwardt@unimedizin-mainz.de