The TARCforce3R Center is offering a series of events with exciting topics related to the 3Rs in laboratory animal science.

Participation is free of charge.

On 16.08.24 from 14:00 until 16:00 (CEST) Tobias Wagenknecht will present the webinar: The Legal Significance of Surplus Animals: “A Concept for Handling Surplus Animals in Germany." 


For more information click on the image

   (Pdf , 389,8 KB) 

Meeting link: https://bbb.rlp.net/b/gon-6fc-ssd-h1b


The TARCforce3R Center offers an online seminar series with exciting topics related to the 3Rs in laboratory animal science. Speakers are national and international experts.

Participation is free of charge and can be recognized as continuing education according to §3 of the German Animal Welfare Experimental Animal Ordinance. Certificates of participation are available upon request.

A broad number of topics are discussed: How improve both our science and welfare in animal research? What is the culture of care, and how can we implement it in our facilities? How do we avoid and deal with replication issues in animal experiments? What is the differential effect of anesthetics and their implications for data reproducibility? How do maintain high standards of welfare in several species? How do we recognize pain during experimental procedures?

You are encouraged to participate and share your experiences about how small changes in your practice may have improved both your welfare and data reproducibility! 



25.01.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Winfried Neuhaus, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH

The power of in vitro models of the blood-brain barrier

Slides: On request ( TARCforce3R@uni-mainz.de)


16.02.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Céline Heinl, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

Preregistration and open science – maximizing the knowledge gained from animal research

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


15.03.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Tilo Weber, Deutscher Tierschutzbund e.V., Deutschland

Tierische Produkte in der Petrischale:  Auf dem Weg zu einem wahrhaft tierfreiem Labor

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


19.04.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Heather N. Hersh, PsyD, Thrive Well-Being, USA

Understanding and Preventing Compassion Fatigue in Laboratory Animal Scientists and Professionals

Slides: Not available.


17.05.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Jennifer Mein, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

"Grundlagen des Tiertrainings und wie wir dieses Wissen im Versuchsalltag anwenden können"

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


14.06.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Mu Yang, Columbia University Medical Center, USA

"Translational behavioral analysis in the era of AI"

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


 19.07.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Natascha Drude, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) 

"Think Translation Early on": Responsible Preclinical Research

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


16.08.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Tobias Wagenknecht, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

The Legal Significance of Surplus Animals

Meeting link: https://bbb.rlp.net/b/gon-6fc-ssd-h1b 


27.09.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Roman Stilling, Tierversuche verstehen, Deutschland

Die Rolle des Tierpflegepersonals in der Diskussion und Kommunikation über Tierversuche


18.10.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Svante Winberg, Uppsala University, Sweden

Zebrafish as a Model for Neuroscience Research


15.11.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) –Kerstin Kleinschmidt-Dörr, MERCK KGaA

"Time to shift some paradigms - The One-Merck Animal Welfare Strategy"


19.12.24 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) –Paul Flecknell, Newcastle University, UK

What analgesic dose should I use and why?


24.01.25 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) –Meghan Barrett, Indiana University, USA

Animal Welfare Frontiers: Considering Insect Welfare in Farming and Research


14.02.25 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Gege Li, EARA

Communicating animal research on social media


14.03.25 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Christian Nawroth, Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Germany

“Human-animal interactions in farm animals”





13.06.25 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) –Emma Robinson, University of Bristol, UK

"The 3Hs initiative: housing, handling and habituation methods to benefit rodent welfare"





Preliminary titles can be modified in the flyer and in the lecture. Places for each session are limited. The modality is handled on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information and certificates of attendance, please contact our team at  las-education@uni-mainz.de   

Seminars are credited as regular training within the meaning of §3 of the German Animal Welfare Test Animal Ordinance (Tierschutz versuchstierverordnung). This event is hosted by the Translational Animal Research Center (TARC).


----- ATF points !!! ----


From July 2022 the Seminar is recognized for veterinarians as a live online seminar with 2 ATF hours.

After participating in the entire Seminar, please email us at  ATF-TARC@uni-mainz.de, confirming your participation. We will send you an evaluation form. Once the format is back to us, the certification will be issued and sent in the following days.

In case of additional questions about ATF certifications, please write directly at  ATF-TARC@uni-mainz.de


Die Fortbildungsveranstaltungen werden für Tierärzte als Live-Online-Seminar mit 2 ATF Stunden anerkannt.

Hierfür müssen Sie nach der Teilnahme am kompletten Seminar eine Email an  ATF-TARC@uni-mainz.de senden, in der Sie die Teilnahme bestätigen, sowie den daraufhin zugesandten Evaluationsbogen ausfüllen. 





 10.02.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) - Elizabeth Nunamaker, Charles River - USA

Recognizing cumulative endpoints in mice helps us improve animal welfare and data quality

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


17.02.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Jerrold Meyer, University of Massachusetts - USA

Measuring chronic stress in animal studies: Advances and applications in laboratory research, environmental conservation, and agriculture

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


17.03.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Judith Kirchner-Musmann, Altromin Spezialfutter GmbH & Co. KG

„Ich bin stocknüchtern!“ - Fasting vs. Restriktive Fütterung -, - Futterentzug bei kleinen Nagern -  

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


13.04.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Nuno Franco, University of Porto, Portugal

“It takes a village” - the shared responsibility in an establishment for the reliability and relevance of animal experiments

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


12.05.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Stefano Gaburro, TECNIPLAST S.p.A.

The digital biomarker journey in preclinical research: opportunities, barriers and future developments.

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


16.06.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Hanno Würbel, University of Bern, Switzerland

The principles of rigorous and reproducible animal research 

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/ 


14.07.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Barbara Tzschentke, IASP- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Maternaler-, prä- und perinataler Stress: Der Vogel als exzellentes Modell zur Untersuchung von Langzeitfolgen

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/ 


25.08.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Matilda Bäckberg, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden 

Handling and training of mice for low stress procedures

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/ 


22.09.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Neele Meyer, University of Osnabrück, Germany

Monitoring von Stress und Wohlergehen bei Labortieren

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/ 


10.11.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Javier Guillén, AAALAC International

Harm-Benefit Analysis. The AALAS-FELASA Working Group Proposal

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


15.12.23 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Beth Greenhough, Oxford University, UK

Care-full Stories? Developing a new culture-of-care training resource 

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/48f5f2dbceee4e82b441/



22.04.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Adrian Smith, Norecopa - Norway 

Three Rs and Three Ss for improving both our science and welfare

Slides: https://norecopa.no/220422


06.05.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Valeska Stephan, DFG - Germany 

Communicating animal research

Slides: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ks6stkf06buzok5/Mainz_2022_v03_HO.pdf?dl=0


20.05.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) – Penny Hawkins, RSPCA - United Kingdom 

Promoting and assessing the culture of care for better animal research

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


03.06.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST)- Stanley E. Lazic, Prioris.ai Inc. - Canada

Pseudoreplication in animal experiments: how to avoid and deal with it

Slides: https://mega.nz/file/75pQTBaa#dIGELbfcvQ_ZWvlTS_2xQFYfVg2ANXwVQlWfpplsk74


24.06.22 (10 a.m. CET/CEST) – Gabrielle Musk, The University of Western Australia - Australia

Factors to consider in the art and science of anesthesia and analgesia for experimental reproducibility

Slides and template for mouse anesthetic record: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


15.07.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) - Stephanie Krämer, Universität Giessen, Deutschland

Stereotypien in der Versuchstierhaltung – leider keine Seltenheit

Slides: Not available.


19.08.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) - Lars Bräutigam, Karolinska Institutet - Sweden

The zebrafish model in biomedical research - From 3R's to reproducibility

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


16.09.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) - Xavier Manteca, Autonomous University of Barcelona - Spain 

Welfare considerations for using pigs in biomedical research

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


21.10.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) - Viktoria Siewert, Universität Münster - Deutschland

Einblicke in das Gefühlsleben einer Labormaus

Slides: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/


25.11.22 (2 p.m. CET/CEST) - Paulin Jirkof, University of Zurich - Switzerland

Using behavior to assess pain in small rodents

Meeting link: https://seafile.rlp.net/d/647fd89465494280bc82/  


Tierpfleger Seminar 2024

Weiter bieten wir auch ein deutschsprachiges Seminar an, welches sich spezifisch an Tierpfleger und technisches Personal richtet. Information hierzu finden Sie auf der Seite unseres Lehrzentrums.

Weitere Informationen:   
