Cohorts (community and patients), maintaining mental health in the face of somatic illness
BMBF: DDR-Past and Mental Health: Risk and Protection Factors (DDR-PSYCH) (DDR-PSYCH) (Prof. Dr. Manfred E. Beutel und Prof. Dr. Elmar Brähler). 2019-2023, 3.7 Mio Euro
BMBF (GENDERMED-094, GESA): Gender-Sensitive Analyses of mental health trajectories and implications for prevention: A multi-cohort consortium (Prof. Dr. Manfred E. Beutel), 2017-2020, 1.2 Mio. Euro
DFG: Dynamics of Mental Health of Migrants (DMHM) – Analyzing dynamics of resilience and vulnerabilities using a synthesis of socio-structural and psychological approaches (Dr. Ana Tibubos), 2019-2021, 311.561 Euro
German Cancer Aid: PSYchosocial late effects, health behavior and Aftercare of long-term survivors of childhood cancer (PSYNA)- a register-based longitudinal study (Prof. Dr. Manfred E. Beutel, PD Dr. Jörg Wiltink and others), 2016-2020, 387.667 Euro
BMBF: Efficacy of team-based care for distressed patients in secondary prevention of chronic coronary heart disease: a randomized controlled trial (TEACH), PIs Prof. Dr. Christian Albus und Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann-Lingen, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy: Prof Dr. Matthias Michal, 2020-2024, total funding amount 2,37 Mio Euro
BARMER: Healthy Campus Mainz (PI Prof. Dr. Stephan Letzel, subproject PI Prof. Dr. Beutel/Prof. Dr. Simon). 06/2018-06/2023, 1.530.000 Euro
Institution for Accident Insurance and Prevention in the Health and Welfare Services: Work situation and health of nurses in palliative care in Germany (PI Prof. Dr. Stephan Letzel), 2016-2018, 199.450 Euro