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(Step 1)

Please complete the “Anmeldung für Validierung / Anerkennung ausländischer Zeugnisse” (Registration for Validation / Recognition of a Foreign Certificate) form and send it to the “Abteilung Internationales Incoming” of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz along with notarized copies of your high school diploma and university degree.

Registration for Validation / Recognition of a Foreign Certificate:


Abteilung Internationales – Incoming
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Forum, Eingang 1, Zi. 00-106
D 55099 Mainz

Tel: +49 6131 39-22525
Fax: +49 6131 39-25548


The validation process takes about 4 weeks. Your documents will be returned to you with the “Bescheinigung über Validierung” (Statement of Validation).

Step 2

Please send us your application in English. It should contain the following:

  • CV (including two passport photos)

  • Letter of intent (please explain why you want to study epidemiology and what your career plans are)

  • Notarized copies of you high school diploma and your university degree

  • Notarized copies of certificates or other relevant qualifications

  • Proof of professional employment (a minimum of one years is necessary)

  • Proof of English ability (only one criterion must be fulfilled)

    1. a minimum of 5 years’ schooling

    2. Native speaker
    3. TOEFL test
    4. IELTS test

  • If your native language is not German:

You agree that you will successfully pass level 4 of the Test DaF (DaF = Deutsch als Fremdsprache) before you begin the first elective module. You don’t have to have any proven level of German at the start of the programme because the core modules are taught entirely in English.

Proof of German language skills (German and English) (Pdf-file, 12,9 KB)


If you want to complete the master’s programme in a single year, we recommend that you complete the Test DaF before beginning the programme because the order of the core modules and the elective modules is mixed. 

Important: This application should be made directly to our institute. Please do not use any university application forms.

Please send your application to the following address:

Universitätsmedizin Mainz

IMBEI, Masterstudiengang Epidemiologie
z.H. Frau Seibert
55101 Mainz

or via email to: seibert@uni-mainz.de

Step 3


If you fulfil the formal prerequisites, you will be invited to our institute for an interview with the director of the master’s programme.