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Need-based access to ambulatory psycho-social cancer counselling for men (BEZUG)

Men are under-represented in ambulatory psycho-social cancer counselling settings. This means they take advantage of psycho-social counselling less often than women do, even when they are under heavy psychological stress (the ratio of going to this type of counselling is approximately 1:3.5).

With a longitudinal study, we would like to find out what the barriers are to taking part and what kind of help needs to be created in order to better fulfil the requirements and needs of male patients and male relatives.

The results should contribute to the design of male-appropriate ambulant psycho-social services with few barriers.

Funding: Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.

- Dept. Psychosomatic Medicine, Mainz
- Südwestdeutsches Tumorzentrum
- Koordinationsstelle Psychosoziale Versorgung von Tumorpatienten,  Tumorzentrum Rheinland-Pfalz e. V.
- Universitäres Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen Mainz (UCT)
- Dept. Haemato-Oncology, University Medical Centre Mainz

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