Mediziner, Epidemiologe, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
06131 17-3122 oder 06131 39-38732
Weitere InformationenDeputy Head
Head of the AG Pediatric Health Services Research
physician, statistician
06131 39-38733
Weitere InformationenSchool nurse
Healthcare and pediatric nurse, M.Sc. Public Health
06131 17-8209 or 06131 39-38735
Nurse and study assistant
06131 17-5386 or 06131 39-38753
M.Sc. Epidemiology
06131 17-8209 or 06131 39-38728
Weitere InformationenEpidemiologist
06131 17-3122 or 06131 39-38738
Weitere InformationenPharmacist, Master of Public Health (MPH)
06131 39-38766
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