The research consortium
The Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) is an interdisciplinary research consortium of scientists from institutions of the Mainz University Medical Centre and other research institutions. The aim of the study is to investigate the development and progression of widespread common diseases. The aim is to gain a better understanding of protective and risk factors as well as disease-causing, disease-intensifying and disease-delaying processes. These findings form the basis for improved diagnostics, therapy and prevention in the population. The study is financed, developed, conducted and analysed by scientists from the participating institutions. It represents an extraordinary resource for translational research and helps to shape the medicine of tomorrow.
Framework conditions for ethics and data protection
The GHS is conducted and evaluated in accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, Good Scientific Practice, Good Epidemiological Practice and Good Clinical Practice. All GHS employees are subject to medical confidentiality and are obliged to maintain data secrecy. Study data is only collected and stored on secure servers at the Mainz University Medical Centre after the participants have been fully informed and have given their consent.
Review and approval
At the beginning of the study, with each further development and at least every two years, the study protocol and the study documents are reviewed and evaluated by the local ethics committee of the Rhineland-Palatinate Medical Association, the data protection officer of the Mainz University Medical Centre and the Rhineland-Palatinate State Commissioner for Data Protection and Information Security. A favourable vote from these bodies is a prerequisite for the continuation of the study.
Advisory Board for Ethics, Data Protection and Data Security
An advisory board for ethics, data protection and data security set up specifically for GHS continuously monitors compliance with all current regulations. The majority of the advisory board consists of external representatives who are not part of GHS in order to ensure an independent review.