General Outpatient Clinic


Frau Dr. med. A. Vieth


Tel. 06131 17-7340  
Monday - thursday, 9.00-13.00; 13.30-16.00
Friday, 9.00–13.00


Outside these hours, the doctor on duty can be reached in urgent cases via the gate of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Tel. 06131 17-2920).  


Registration takes place as a referral by established specialists in psychiatry.

The General Outpatient Clinic (PIA) of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the University Medical Centre Mainz was opened on October 1 in 2001. The PIA fulfils a specific care mandate for mentally ill patients who, due to the type, severity or duration of their illness, require a special service close to the hospital. This includes, in particular, patients with mental disorders that tend to become chronic, such as schizophrenia, affective disorders, severe personality disorders as well as addictive disorders with comorbidity and geronto-psychiatric disorders. Persons are treated for whom, on the one hand, long-term continuous treatment is medically necessary and, on the other hand, a lack of feeling ill and/or a lack of insight into the illness and/or a lack of impulse control prevent the perception of this continuous treatment.

About 1000 patients are treated in the PIA per year. The treatment offer consists of a complex service with the entire spectrum of psychiatric-psychotherapeutic diagnostics and therapy, which is provided by a multiprofessional team. The team consists of doctors, psychologists, a specialist nurse, a social worker and a secretary. The treatment offered includes state-of-the-art pharmacotherapy, crisis intervention/emergency treatment, individual counselling, outreach and follow-up work as well as groups. In individual cases, occupational and movement therapy can also be offered within the clinic. Particular importance is attached to maintaining contact with the complementary facilities in the community psychiatric network.