Logo der Universitätsmedizin Mainz

Dear Patient,

In this section we would like to provide you with more information about our department, including patient care and the various wards, our research and therapy methods, and up-to-date clinical studies conducted here. The information provided should give you an impression of the clinic and help you orientate yourself. We are happy to provide further assistance personally. The information on how to reach us is divided into specific subdivisions.

The following illnesses are primarily treated in our clinic:

  • Stroke: Diagnosis and therapy of acute stroke in our Stroke Unit, Aftercare and risk-analysis using cerebral vascular ultrasound in our stroke clinic (Schlaganfall-Ambulanz)
  • Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, in particular Multiple Sclerosis (Multiplen Sklerose), Therapy options provided through the MS Clinic
  • Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Therapy of epileptic attacks (epileptischen Anfällen) are handled in the epilepsy clinic (Epilepsie-Ambulanz) and inpatient video EEG monitoring
  • Movement Disorders: idiopathic Parkinson's Disease (Parkinson-Syndrom), multiple system atrophy(MSA), focal dystonia, botulinum toxin. Treatment is administered in the Parkinson's (Parkinson) and Botox Clinics (Botox-Ambulanz)
  • Neuromuscular Disorders: Neuromuscular Diseases (Neuromuskulären Erkrankungen) such as Lou Gehrig’s Disease,  Myotonia, Myasthenia gravis, are all treated in the neuromuscular clinic (Neuromuskulären Ambulanz) or in the clinic for neurogenetic and hereditary spastic spinal paralysis
  • Brain Tumors: benign and malignant nervous system tumors are treated in the interdisciplinary neurological-neurosurgical clinic (Neuro-Onkologischen Ambulanz
  • Chronic Pain: Diagnosis and therapy for neuropathic pain (Schmerzen), complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) are treated in the pain clinic (Schmerzambulanz)
  • Vertigo and Eye Movement Disorders: Diagnosis and therapy of acute and chronic vertigo (Schwindelbeschwerden) as well as eye movement disorders are handled in the vertigo clinic (Schwindelambulanz)