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Research Projects

Modification of Dopamine D2-receptor Concentration in Patients with Epilepsy

We were able to see a 30% reduction of D2-Receptor bonds in the temporal lobe of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. The effects of this change must be studied in various patient groups. Through the D2 Receptors, Dopamine could have a modulating effect on the excitability of the cerebral cortex and therefore could be, in terms of pathophysiology, significant.

Prognostic Value of the Measurement of Cortical Excitability by means of Transcranial Magnet Stimulation in Patients with Epilepsy

Epilepsy is caused by a disturbance of balance between cortical inhibition and excitation. Studies have shown that the cortical inhibiting mechanism is changed in patients with epilepsy. The taking of antiepilepsy medication influences the value of the cortical excitation so that one can speculate that these parameters can be used to judge the prognosis of epilepsy syndromes. In this multicentric study, patients who experienced their first epilepsy attack as well as patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy were used. Changes in the excitability of the motoric cortex were tested after the first time use of antiepileptic medication and 4, 12, and 24 weeks afterwards.

Epilepsy and Antiepileptic Drug Use in Old Age: A Population-based Cross-Sectional Study

This study looked at epidemiological data concerning the frequency, classification and pharmacotherapy in patients with epilepsy over the age of 65 in the Mainz area and surroundings.