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Research in Neurology

In addition to providing medical care, the Department of Neurology also conducts state-of-the-art and internationally recongnized Research into neuroimmunology, neuroimaging, signaling pathways, pain and neurovascular diseases. Translational studies are performed so that patients can benefit from new research findings as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The primary focus of our research is in the field of neuroimmunology - classical inflammatory diseases, including neuroinfectiology, as well as inflammatory and defense mechanisms in strokes and brain tumors. As part of this research, we are investigating the pathogenesis of such diseases using cell-culture and animal model Experiments, patient examinations, imaging, and genetics. An example of this research is the use of two-photon laser scanning microscopy to directly investigate the interaction of immune cells in inflammatory lesions in the brains of living organisms.

Research is conducted in close collaboration with other scientists in the University through our active participation in the Focus Program for Translational Neurosciences (FTN) and Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI), as well as with neuroscientists in the Rhine-Main region as part of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn2 ). Together with the Universities of Munich and Munster, we are part of a DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center on Multiple Sclerosis, which aims to elucidate the foundations of multiple sclerosis to better understand of its pathophysiology with the goal of finding new treatment targets. We are also aligned with the other specialist centers for Multiple Sclerosis in Germany as part of the BMBF-funded patient-oriented „Competence Network for Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS),” whose purpose is to improve treatment of MS patients as well as strengthen clinical research through multi-center cooperation.

The mechanisms of neuroprotective medications, the modes of action of proteins and signaling pathways represent another important research area. We utilize models to study the cellular and molecular foundations of hereditary and acquired neurodegenerative illnesses, for example, in hereditary polyneuropathy.
A further important area of neurological research is pain research. In the Department of Neurology, this is based predominantly on psychophysical and functional-imaging methods, as well as using microneurography, which can be performed at only a few centers worldwide. Financial support for this research has been received from the EU and DFG.

The neurovascular team is primarily involved with interdisciplinary projects, of which the principal aim is the development of optimized clinical treatments for patients. The detection of auricular fibrillations, interventional acute treatment of strokes and the long-term observation of patients with extra- and intracranial stents are examples of some of our research interests.

The neurostimulation and movement disorders group investigates how different regions of the brain interact, focusing on connectivity and reorganization in healthy and diseased individuals. Imaging, non-invasive stimulatory and electrophysiological methodologies are employed to explore the physiology and pathophysiology of the human motoric system, particularly in Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, but also other diseases such as epilepsy.

Further research interests can be found here.