The examination course takes place in the first clinical semester and teaches neurological examination processes. In the introductory lectures, the basic steps of the examination process will be demonstrated. The following 6 lectures (each a double lesson) are broken down into smaller groups comprised of max. 15 students and are led by the resident physicians (and senior physicians). The group listing will be posted on the ground floor of the Department of Neurology (Bldg. 503). The introductory lectures take place Mondays 13:00-14:30, Tuesdays 13:00-14:30, and Thursdays 13:30-15:00. The 5 following lessons should be arranged between the students and the lecturers at the end of the last introductory lecture. The date will then be made known.
All students must take an oral exam at the end of the examination courses and will be given a grade. Participation in the OSCE is necessary. Students must participate in at least 5 to 6 lectures and sign an attendance list.
The main lecture takes place in the 4th clinical semester and is held the clinic director and senior physicians twice a week (Wednesdays 10:15-11:00, Fridays 10:15-11:00). If possible, a patient will be presented during the lecture.
There is no attendance list or exam, but participation in the lecture is a highly recommended part of preparing for the internship.
The neurology internship is divided into small groups and takes place Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays twice a week in the 5th clinical semester. The dates will be hung on the ground floor of the neurological polyclinic (Bldg. 503). The internship teaches students about the most important neurological symptoms using inpatient patients. Working the students, medical histories and test results will be compiled, differential diagnoses as well as diagnostics and therapeutic procedures will be discussed. Alternately at the end of each semester, full day internships take place with an oral exam at the end. The internship is lead by senior physicians from the clinic as well as habilitated external staff. Participation in the internship is confirmed by a sign-in sheet. In order to successfully complete the internship, you must participate in at least 6 of the dates. Exceptions can be made for joining another group for a single date. At the end of the course there will be a multiple choice exam.