Welcome to the Website of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Mainz
The Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy provides comprehensive outpatient, consultation-liaison, day hospital, inpatient and rehabilitation services for patients with acute or chronic, psychological and psychosomatic diseases. Individualized multimodal treatments include individual and group psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, mindfulness-based, body-oriented, art therapy interventions and online self-help. Implementation of Evidence Based Medicine and national and international medical guidelines and monitoring outcomes of routine care achieve highest standards of care. Our scientific visions are to improve the understanding of the interplay of mental and somatic illnesses, to advance effective preventive and treatment strategies and to help patients to develop their resources.
Inpatient and
day hospital treatments are offered on currently three wards. Our patients are treated in the context of multimodal therapy concept whose focus is on psychodynamic psychotherapy. Therapy is carried out by a multi-professional team of doctors and psychological psychotherapists, nursing staff and physiotherapists. Together we develop a biopsychosocial treatment concept that takes into account biological, psychological and social influences. We offer specialized treatments for comorbid mental and somatic disorders (e.g. psychocardiology, psychooncology), somatoform and chronic pain disorders, anxiety disorders depression, depersonalization-derealization disorders, trauma-related, eating, sleep disorders and behavioral addictions (pathological gambling and internet-related disorders).
For more information on our general
outpatient clinic as well as
specialized diagnostic procedures outpatient clinics in the field of behavioral addiction (pathological gambling/internet-related disorders), depersonalization/derealization, psychocardiology, psychooncology, anxiety, please see
For assessment and treatment of impulse control disorders, borderline personality disorder and sexual health see
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.