Visual Universitätsmedizin Mainz

OEG Trauma Outpatient Clinic


Dipl.-Psych. Vera Scheurich


Monday to Thursday 08.00 – 16.00 
Friday 8.00 bis 13.00

Tel. 06131 17-7381
Fax 06131 17-5563


Building 207 Site plan (Pdf, 1,4 MB)
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Untere Zahlbacher Str. 8
55131 Mainz
Victims of violent acts have in many cases suffered a psychological trauma, i.e. an injury to the soul, which requires specialist care. In addition, the immediate period after the trauma is a very difficult phase for the victims, during which active victim support in necessary. The Act on Compensation for Victims of Violent Crimes (OEG) regulates that crime victims or their surviving dependents receive assistance upon application. In Rhineland-Palatinate, the OEG is implemented by the State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Supply. Persons who have been the victim of a violent crime and have filed a corresponding complaint can receive acute treatment in our trauma outpatient clinic within the framework of the Victim Compensation Act.

Who can contact the OEG Trauma Outpatient Clinic?

Victims of violent crimes, especially cases involving capital offenses (e.g. aggravated assault), rape or persons with so-called damage (e.g. witnesses of murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault).

The services offered by the OEG trauma outpatient clinics include:

  • Diagnostics and counseling
  • Education about trauma and possible trauma consequences
  • Crisis intervention (1 to 15 immediate psycho-therapeutic sessions)
  • Help in dealing with the extraordinary life situation (psycho-social support)
For more information about the services offered by the OEG Trauma Outpatient Clinic, click here (Pdf, 2,3 MB).