Visual Universitätsmedizin Mainz

E-Mental Health

Principal investigator

PD Dr. biol. hom. et med. habil. Rüdiger Zwerenz

Research topic

Digitalization has not only gained relevance in our everyday lives, but also in the various sectors of the health system in recent years. In this context, the term e-mental health describes the use of information and communication technologies to promote and improve mental health. A wide range of interventions from web-based psychoeducation to online psychotherapy is covered with the term e-mental health.

In the E-Mental Health lab at the Department for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy of the University Medical Center Mainz we deal with questions about the need, acceptance and effectiveness of web- and app-based interventions for the treatment of mental disorders and stress. Web- and app-based interventions are developed and evaluated in various interdisciplinary projects. The aim of our research is to improve sustainably the care of people with mental and psychosomatic illnesses by integrating e-mental health interventions into usual therapeutic measures.

Current research projects

  • KEN-Online - Further Development of the transdiagnostic psychodynamic online self-help programme ‚Using the power of your own emotions‘ („Die Kraft der eigenen Emotionen nutzen“, KEN-Online)
  • RTW-Plan - Development and Evaluation of a web- and app-based tool for an individualised return to work planning (RTW-Plan)