Michael has biweekly one-on-one meetings with all employees of the lab. He helps with project management, experiment design, lab organization, and acquires funding for projects. All lab members assemble during the breakfast meetings (progress reports, literature seminar, bioinformatic meetings) on a regular schedule.
The following projects are funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft and are part of the Collaborative Research Center 1292 "Targeting convergent mechanisms of inefficient immunity in tumors and chronic infections".
Further information about the Collaborative Research Center and the projects can be found here.
Kathrin performs research in the context of the SFB1292 ("Targeting convergent mechanisms of inefficient immunity in tumors and chronic infections") and investigates regulatory T cells with tissue-repair properties in the context of tumor development using single-cell sequencing technologies for assessing chromatin accessibility, gene expression as well as the TCR repertoire. She performs bioinformatic analysis of these datasets using high performance computation.
Sara is also working in the SFB1292 and investigates the importance of antigen signals during tumor growth using combined single-cell gene expression and T-cell receptor sequencing technologies and advanced analytical methods using high performance computation.
The following projects are funded by the German Research Foundation and are part of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR355 "Heterogeneity and functional specialization of regulatory T cells in distinct microenvironments".
Tamara is a member of the TRR355 investigates the epigenetic programming of human Treg cells in healthy tissues and the tumor microenvironment.
Further information about the project can be found here.
Morten is working in the TRR355 and helps to explore the immune cell landscape in human and murine tissues using single-cell sequencing and bioinformatics. In collaboration projects with the department of Pathology and Dermatology, he investigates Treg cell migration and performs immune cell characterization. Besides this, he develops and optimizes protocols for tissue processing to maximize cell yield and quality.
Further information about the project can be found here.
Delia extracts immune cells from primary human tissues and optimizes protocols to expand these cells with high purity and viability, a technology that would be very important for our research in the framework of the TRR355.
Further information about the project can be found here.
Kartikeya is an expert in high-performance computational analysis of biological datasets and he supports the "Treg Commons" central project of the TRR355. He works with at our partner lab at the Helmholtz Centre in Munich. In his scientific project, he is interested in the prediction of interaction networks between (immunological) cell types.
Further information about the project can be found here.
Niklas is an expert in the analysis of highly complex biological data such as whole-genome bisulfite sequencing, single-cell gene expression or single-cell ATAC-seq datasets. He investigates the epigenetic and transcriptional stability of immune cell types in both healthy and inflamed tissues.
Further information about the project can be found here.
Current projects are funded by