Depressive Disorders Outpatient Clinic


Outpatient Clinic Phone: 06131 17-7340

For registration you will need a referral from an established specialists in psychiatry (i.e. Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie).

Clinic hours

by arrangement

A depressive disorder is considered treatment-resistant when at least two treatment attempts with adequate medication have failed to bring about remission of the symptoms of the illness. Within the framework of our specialized outpatient clinic for treatment-resistant depression, we offer you comprehensive advice on optimizing therapy by considering all available treatment options. After exclusion of so-called pseudo-therapy-resistance, optimization of antidepressant pharmacotherapy, as well as disorder-specific psychotherapies, neuromodulatory therapy procedures such as ketamine therapy, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) are considered.
We check the indication for intranasal ketamine administration, rTMS or ECT, based on a detailed medical and medication history, as well as a survey of your current complaints and, if necessary, plan the treatment with you as part of an inpatient treatment in our clinic.

Please bring the following documents with you to your first appointment:

  • Referral from a Facharzt für Psychiatrie (i.e. psychiatric specialist) for the Institutsambulanz der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Universitätsmedizin Mainz (i.e. Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Mainz University Medical Center).

If available:

  • current medication plan
  • list of previous medication
  • all available medical documents regarding any previous treatments, including reports of outpatient and inpatient treatments, if applicable
  • Personal records of disease episodes, mood diaries
  • Results of blood examinations (especially thyroid, kidney and liver values)
  • ECG
  • Brain images (CT, MRT; paper printout, negative or CD-ROM)