Former Group Members (who have moved on to do bigger and better things)
Carrie Anderson, Technician/BSc Biology
Jean Berthelet, PostDoc
Aleksandra Dimitrijevic, Technician/BSc Biology
Taner Dogan, PhD Student and PostDoc
Franziska Hinkfoth, Master Student
Thorben Huth, Master Student
Gergely Imre, PostDoc
Aswini Krishnan, PhD Student
Inga Melzer, PostDoc/Scientific Coordinator
Arun Murali, PhD Student
Armelle Natsuo-Takeda, PostDoc
Tripat Kaur Oberoi-Khanuja, PhD Student
Cornelia Pyko, Master Student
Sebastian Rosigkeit, PostDoc
Rolf-Peter Scholz, PostDoc
Katharina Schulenburg, PhD Student
Jaeyoung Shin, PostDoc
Christiane Schönfeld, Scientific Coordinator
Camille Dupont, PostDoc
Malvika Pompaiah, PostDoc
Hajime Yurugi, PostDoc
Emilie Renaud, PostDoc
Katarzyna Bogucka, PhD and PostDoc
Kristina Riegel, PhD and PostDoc, Scientific Coordinator
Lisa Winkler, Technician