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Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

is a very effective form of therapy for the treatment of the following chronic diseases:

  • Parkinson's disease
  • Essential Tremor
  • Dystonia

Clarification before the operation:

Prior to DBS, a 4-day inpatient stay in our clinic will clarify whether DBS is currently a suitable therapy method for you. During this stay, various examinations (including MRI, neuropsychology, motor testing, L-Dopa test, etc.) will be performed. You will also be informed in detail about the intervention by us, by the surgeon and anesthesiologists.  At the end of your stay, you will receive our assessment and recommendation regarding the further therapeutic approach and whether DBS can be performed. After discharge there will be another consultation with us. If applicable, the date of surgery will then be set.#

The operation:

One day before the operation, you will be admitted as an inpatient. The next morning, after a local anesthetic, the stereotactic frame is attached to your head. Then, in collaboration with the neuroradiology department, the exact planning for the stereotactic placement of the electrodes takes place. For this purpose, CT images are taken. Afterwards, the transfer to the operating room takes place. An anesthesiologist is always present during the operation, and you will be given medication to calm you down and relieve pain. To find out the optimal target point for electrode placement, we usually depend on your cooperation. For this purpose, the team of the Movement Disorders and Neurostimulation Section will be with you the whole time during the surgery and will perform various tests with you. After this testing phase, the final electrode is placed. This process is then repeated for the other side as well.

After the surgery:

After the surgery, the adjustment of the stimulation parameters and the adjustment of the medication will take place. The duration of the inpatient stay in the clinic is usually 14 days. A stay in a rehabilitation clinic is usually recommended by us and initiated after the operation.


The following neurological clinics and rehabilitation facilities specialize in the aftercare of this type of therapy:

Neurological Rehabilitation Center - Bad Godesberg:

Lindenallee Clinic Center - Bad Schwalbach:

Further regular control of the pacemaker takes place in our section for movement disorders and neurostimulation.


Information for patients:

for more detailed information, visit www.tiefehirnstimulation.com


Outpatient Clinic for Movement Disorders and Neurostimulation:

Consultation hours in our outpatient clinic are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please bring a referral from your neurologist, medical reports, and CT or MRI scans of the head (if available) with you to your appointment.

You can make an appointment with us under the following contact:
Email:  dbs.neurologie@unimedizin-mainz.de
Tel: 06131 - 17 2226