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Botulinum toxin


Using Botox injections, symptons such as involuntary cramping, pain and malpositioning can be improved. Effects of Botox wear off after about 3 months, making quarterly injections necessary. The dosage is raised incrementally in order to reach the maximal effectiveness with the least amount of side effects.


Typical symptoms that can be treated with Botox include blepharospasm (eye lid cramp), torticollis (wryneck), spasms caused by cerebral or spinal lesions, and writer's cramp

Side effects

Side effects include functional, temporary paralysis of the injected muscle caused by too large a dosage. This can lead to a diffusion of the toxin to neighboring muscle groups. Careful monitoring of dosage and injections as well as injections monitored under EMG reduces risk. Botox can not be given if you are taking anticoagulant medication such as Marcumar or Heparin.

Further Information

From the German Neurological Society (DGN) keywords: "Botulinumtoxin, Dystonie oder Spastik" (http://www.dgn.org/11.0.html). (German)

German Neurological Society listing of Botox Centers in Germany http://www.botulinumtoxin.de/hauptzentren.htm. (German)