Visual Universitätsmedizin Mainz

OMPRIS – online-based motivational treatment programme to reduce problematic internet use and promote treatment motivation in gaming disorder and internet addiction (OMPRIS)

Research topic

Due to the formal approval of Gaming Disorder by the WHO and the specific therapeutic needs of patients it is required to develop low-threshold, innovative and disorder-oriented offers of help.  With the innovation-funding of G-BA (G-BA; 1.31 Million € (Mainz 102 T€)) for the multicenter health services research project  - OMPRIS, the development of addiction or the chronification of internet-related disorders should be faced through telemedical interventions early on. Thus problematic internet and gaming behavior should be diagnosed early and if indicated faced preventive. Therefore, the project uses a specifically developed webcam-based motivation-program. In this way low-threshold motivations for changes in behavior should be created and addiction symptoms should be reduced. The program can be used by interested and affected people freely.  So participants can use the offer at the place where the problem-behavior occurs itself – with the internet. Beside the disorder-oriented therapeutic intervention, the opportunity for a webcam-based social counseling is offered too. Evaluation of study results can be used by funders for the care of internet-related disorders or conceptually conveyed to other disorder. Immanent is the change of behavior by the patients, the adaption to a more healthy lifestyle as well as support of their treatment motivation.

Duration: September 2020 - Oktober 2022

Funding: Innovation-funding of G-BA
