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Upcoming Events

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All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


FZI-Seminar: Francois van Laethem: "Molecular Basis for Thymic Selection of an MHC restricted abT Cell Repertoire."

Veranstalter: Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)

    Prof. Van Laethem's research is focused on coreceptors and the tyrosine kinase Lck during T cell development. Lck is an essential tyrosine kinase that is required for T cell receptor (TCR) signaling during all stages of T cell development. Dr. Van Laethem is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms that make abT cell recognition only focused on MHC.
    Prof. Van Laethem's research has documented that alpha-beta T cell recognition need not be MHC-restricted as MHC-restriction is imposed on developing thymocytes by coreceptor-mediated Lck sequestration. Prof. Van Laethem is also interested in the identification of ligands that are recognized by abT cells that develop in the absence of coreceptors and MHC. One ligand that has been found is the surface protein CD155, which is expressed by all hematopoietic cells. T cell receptors specific for this ligand have been cloned and studied in detail both in vitro and in vivo. Prof. Van Laethem's research has shown that CD155 is recognized by MHC-independent T cell receptors and the thymic ligand necessary for the selection of CD155-specific T cells. Dr. Van Laethem is currently identifying more MHC-independent ligands.

    Areas of Expertise
    immunology, ligands, t cell receptor

    (see also: ccr.cancer.gov/francois-van-laethem)

    Please join the opportunity to meet Prof. van Laethem before his talk and contact Doreen Nothmann.

Datum 13.04.2015
Uhrzeit 17:15-18:15 Uhr

Building 706, Lecture Hall, University Medical Center Mainz


scientists, physicians, students

Fortbildungspunkte 0,1 CP TransMed
Dozent Prof. Dr. Francois van Laethem, Bethesda, USA

Doreen Nothmann
Scientific Coordinator
Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)
Langenbeckstrasse 1
Building 708
D-55131 Mainz


Phone: +49 6131 17 8114
Fax:     +49 6131 17 6202
E-Mail: nothmann@uni-mainz.de

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