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FZI Seminar: "T cell sub-populations: distinct, flexible, or stochastic trends?"

Veranstalter: Research Center for Immunotherapy

    Tim Mosmann is one of the leading scietists in T cell research.

    After the seminar we offer you a wine tasting by the Weingut Eva Vollmer from Mainz-Ebersheim.

    Dr. Tim R. Mosmann is Director of the Human Immunology Center (HIC), and also serves as the Director and Michael and Angela Pichichero Director's Endowed Chair of the David H. Smith Center for Vaccine Biology and Immunology.

    Dr. Mosmann received B.S. degrees in both Chemistry and Physiology, and in Microbiology, from the University of Natal and Rhodes University in South Africa. He subsequently emigrated to Canada and obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology at the University of British Columbia. Research fellowships at the University of Toronto and University of Glasgow were followed by his appointment as an assistant professor at the University of Alberta. He then spent 8 years in industry, as a research scientist at DNAX Research Institute in Palo Alto, California - prior to rejoining the University of Alberta as Chairman of the Department of Immunology. In 1998, he was recruited to the University of Rochester.

    Dr. Mosmann has made many important contributions to the field of Immunology, and is perhaps best known for his discovery, with his colleague Dr. Robert Coffman, of the TH1 and TH2 subsets of T lymphocytes, which determine whether the host response to infection will be characterized by a predominantly humoral immune response (TH2) or a predominantly cellular immune response (TH1). This discovery was a crucial event in our understanding of how the host immune response is regulated, and has fundamental implications for vaccine design and disease pathogenesis. Dr. Mosmann is recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information as a highly cited scientist, and has won many honours and awards for his unique contributions to understanding of the immune system. Note that "highly cited" scientists comprise less than 0.5% of all publishing researchers in science.

    Publication list: www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/22324931-tim-r-mosmann/articles

Datum 02.07.2015
Uhrzeit 17:15-18:15 Uhr

Langenbeckstr. 1, Mainz

Building 706 Lecture Hall


students, scientists and other interested persons

Beschreibung FZI-Seminar: Tim Mosmann, USA: “T cell sub-populations: distinct, flexible, or stochastic trends?"
Fortbildungspunkte 0.1 TransMed
Dozent Tim Mosmann, Rochester, USA

For meeting Prof. Mosmann before the seminar please contact:

Doreen Nothmann
Scientific Coordinator
Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)
Phone:  +49 6131 17 8114
Fax:  +49 6131 17 6202
E-Mail:  nothmann@uni-mainz.de



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