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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


A 3-2 Academic Writing in English

Veranstalter: Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine and Center for Quality Assurance and Development

    Course Description

    Nowadays success in science involves publishing articles in international journals in English. The English you learned at school is not sufficient; you need to master the formal English required for scientific and academic texts. The objective of this workshop is to improve your ability to produce clear, precise and readable academic texts. During the workshop you will work on a piece of scientific writing you have written and will receive individual correction and feedback from the instructor per email after the workshop.


    - Conventions and features of academic writing

     - Improving coherence and flow

     - Avoiding common lexical and grammatical errors

     - Editing and improving your drafts

     - Punctuation, remedial grammar

     - Useful phrases

    Learning Results

    Participants will leave the workshop with a "toolbox" for scientific/academic writing, a phrasebank of useful expressions and an edited/poofread text.


    The workshop includes preparation work (reading), which you will be sent beforehand, and a post-course self-study grammar/vocabulary package. All participants are required to bring a text they have written to the workshop. The text must be approx. 1 A4 page long and should still be in an unpolished state, i.e. not yet proofread/edited by colleagues.

Datum 08.06.2016
Uhrzeit 09:00-16:00 Uhr

to be announced


Doctoral candidates with a research topic in biomedicine

Fortbildungspunkte 1 CP TransMed
Dozent Amanda Habbershaw
Translator and English Trainer
Tinta Training

Dr. Petra M. Schwarz
Managing Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 568
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 2
55131 Mainz
Tel +49 6131 17-9149

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