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Upcoming Events

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All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


FZI-Seminar: "Function and origin of perivascular macrophages in inflammation and tumours"

Veranstalter: Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)

    Professor Weninger is a preeminent clinician scientist in the fields of dermatology and immunology. At the Centenary Institute, he leads the Immune Imaging Program. He is the Raymond E Purves Chair of Dermatology at the University of Sydney and heads the Department of Dermatology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, and also. Professor Weninger is a pioneer in the uncovering of immune cell behaviour during anti-pathogen and anti-tumour immune responses in the skin using intravital imaging technology. He is recognised for discovering several unique immune cell subsets and determining their function in the context of immune-mediated pathology. His ongoing work is aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying skin allergies, and the pathways resulting in successful immunity against skin infections as well as melanoma. (source and further info: http://www.centenary.org.au/cen_author/professor-wolfgang-weninger/ )

    After the seminar we invite you to a debriefing. If you want to meet Prof. Weninger before the seminar, please contact Doreen Nothmann (see below). 

Datum 02.06.2016
Uhrzeit 17:15-18:15 Uhr

University Medical Center Mainz

Building 706

Lecture Hall


Scientists and Physicians

Fortbildungspunkte 0,1 CP TransMed
Dozent Wolfgang Weninger, Sydney, Australia

Doreen Nothmann
Scientific Coordinator
Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)
Phone:     +49 6131 17 8114
Fax:     +49 6131 17 9234
E-Mail:     nothmann@uni-mainz.de

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