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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


FTN/DRZ Seminar Series: Ranganath Sitaram: Closed-loop brain training: "Self-regulation of single regions, functional connections to neural networks"

Veranstalter: Focus Program Translational Neurosciences (FTN) and German Resilience Center (DRZ)

    Ranganath Sitaram will visit Mainz from May 15th to 17th. He is a world-leading expert on neurofeedback and closed-loop brain training methods. These methods are of particular relevance for the development of neurally based interventions, e.g., in the context of stress prevention.
    Please see attached a recent Nature Neuroscience Review by Ranganath Sitaram.

    Ranganath Sitaram will also be available for discussions from the 15th to the 17th. Please benefit from this occasion. 

Datum 16.05.2017
Uhrzeit 18:00 Uhr

Building 706

Fortbildungspunkte 0,2 TransMed CP
Dozent Ranganath Sitaram, ME, PhD, Center for Brain-Machine Interfaces and Neuromodulation, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Raffael Kalisch, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Deutsches Resilienz-Zentrum (DRZ, www.drz.uni-mainz.de)
at Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center Mainz
Head, DRZ Neuroimaging Center (NIC, www.ftn.nic.uni-mainz.de)

Phone: 49 6131 17-8419 or 4588
Fax: 49 6131 17-8346
Mail: rkalisch@uni-mainz.de



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