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Upcoming Events

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Seminar in Translational Oncology: Federico Garrido: "The escape of cancer from T cell mediated immune surveillance: HLA class-I loss and tumor tissue architecture"

Veranstalter: TRON-Translational Oncology

    TRON kindly invites you to their Seminar in Translational Oncology on Thursday, 14.09.2017 by Prof. Federico Garrido is Professor of Immunology at the University of Granada Medical School and head of the Dept. of Clinical Analysis & Immunology at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain.

    The presentation is open to everybody.

    Prof. Federico Garrido is Professor of Immunology at the University of Granada Medical School and head of the Dept. of Clinical Analysis & Immunology at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain. After obtaining his MD and PhD degrees from the University of Granada in 1974, Federico went on as a posdoctoral fellow at the laboratory of Dr. Hilliard Festenstein at the London Hospital Medical College in London, investigating the immunogenetics of the MHC (H-2) system by typing mouse tumour cells for H-2 expression. After returning to Granada in 1981 he continued his research on HLA typing of human tumours tissues. Prof. Garridos research focuses on the expression of HLA antigens in tumours and the role that these molecules play on tumour evasion from the immune system, working together with a group of scientists including Prof. Francisco Ruiz-Cabello, Prof. Natalia Aptsiuri and Dr. Angel Garcia Lora in his Dept of the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves.

    Information about his publications can be found at:


Datum 14.09.2017
Uhrzeit 17:15 Uhr

Building 708, Big Lecture Room

Fortbildungspunkte 0,1 CP TransMed
Dozent Prof. Federico Garrido
Professor of Immunology at the University of Granada Medical School
Head of the Dept. of Clinical Analysis & Immunology at the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves

Dr. Goran Marti?
Projekt- und Kooperationsmanagement
Translationale Onkologie an der Universitätsmedizin der
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz gemeinnützige GmbH?
Freiligrathstr. 12?, 55131 Mainz??
Tel      +49 (0) 6131 2161 - 474
E-Mail    goran.martic@tron-mainz.de??
Web     www.tron-mainz.de  



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