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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


1st International Spring School on Resilience Research

Veranstalter: Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum (DRZ), DFG Collaborative Research Center CRC1193 “Neurobiology of Resilience”, International Resilience Alliance, and the EU Horizon 2020 project DynaMORE

    The aim of this spring school is to educate young scientists (PhD students, postdocs) about novel theoretical and methodological developments in resilience research. The spring school will provide participants with first-hand knowledge about the paradigms suitable for examining resilience, as well as their potential caveats and pitfalls. It addresses researchers in both the animal and human fields. The program (attached) includes short lectures, daily practical sessions in small groups, and a poster session.


    Applicants should send their CV (max. 2 pages), an abstract of their current or planned project for presentation as a poster (max. 1 p., incl. a title), and a motivation letter (max. 1 p.) in one single PDF file (all English) to  drz@uni-mainz.de. For further details, see https://www.german-resilience-center.uni-mainz.de/1st-international-spring-school-on-resilience-research/.

    Administrative questions:  drz@uni-mainz.de (Martina Diehl)

    Scientific questions:  saayyash@uni-mainz.de (Sarah Ayash)



Datum 21.05.2018 bis

Seeon Abbey


Beschreibung Fees: 200 € for PhD students, 300 € for postdocs
Anmeldeschluß 12.03.2018


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