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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


FZI-Seminar: "The Liver in Immunity"

Veranstalter: Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)

    Prof. Dr. Percy Knolle is head of the Institute of Molecular Medice of the TUM.

    The focus of his research is on the molecular and cellular mechanisms governing local immune control in the liver. The liver is a particular place where immune tolerance rather than immunity is induced. see more

    After the seminar we offer you a wine tasting by the Weingut Braunewell from Essenheim.

Datum 20.11.2014
Uhrzeit 17:00-19:05 Uhr

Lecture Hall Building 706

Langenbeckstr. 1

55131 Mainz

UMC Mainz


Studenten, Wissenschaftler, Mediziner

Beschreibung FZI-Seminar: "The Liver in Immunity"
Fortbildungspunkte 1 Kat. A (Ärztekammer Rheinhessen)
Dozent Prof. Dr. Percy Knolle

Doreen Nothmann
06131 17 8114



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