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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


New Instruments, New Dyes, New Possibilities, New Options: Application Seminar and Hands-On Training: Explore your new Flow Cytometry Possibilities

Veranstalter: JGU & BD

    There are still capacities for interested users to participate to the multicolor workshop on Wednesday (August 8th) and the sorting workshop on Thursday (August 9th).

    Please find attached the seminar program of all three days. For your registration please send an e-mail to  sarah.kircher@bd.com.

    The multicolor workshop will give you the opportunity to get your own panel (up to 28 colors) optimized by the BD specialists and immunologist Jens Fleischer. Therefore, please make a list of all the markers that you would like to look at and send it to Dr. Kirchner with your registration e-mail or provide it at the workshop.

    The sorting workshop on Thursday is addressed to the future power users of the ARIA (up to 18 colors).

Datum 07.08.2018 bis

Paul-Klein-Zentrum für Immunintervention (PKZI)

University Medical Center

Building 308A PKZI, 3rd floor, SR 3.105

Dozent Dr. Jens Fleischer
Application Consultant, BD

Dr. Andrea Engel
Product Manager Cell Analysis, BD

Dr. Ali Gawanbacht-Ramhormose
Application Specialist Sorter, BD


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