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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


Open-Access-Publizieren in der Praxis

Veranstalter: Department of Research and Teaching at UMC-Mainz, the University Library Mainz, and the Department for Research and Technology Transfer at JGU

    Your next publication is already in preparation? Do you think Open Access publishing is the way go?

    Then we gladly invite you to attend “Open-Access-Publizieren in der Praxis” (in German), hosted by the Department of Research and Teaching at UMC-Mainz, the University Library Mainz, and the Department for Research and Technology Transfer at JGU. This year’s event will cover topics such as how to recognize predatory Open Access journals, financial support available to JGU/UM employees for Open Access publishing and legal and data protection rights for authors. Subsequently, the project team "Open Access Publishing at JGU" will be on hand to answer individual questions. If you have any questions about this event beforehand, please contact Janina Preuß.

Datum 20.11.2019
Uhrzeit 13:30-16:30 Uhr

UMC-Campus, Bldg. 912, Obere Zahlbacherstraße 63, 3rd floor, conference room


Researchers whose next publication is already in preparation

Fortbildungspunkte 0.4
Dozent Dr. Hansen, University Library Mainz
Oliver Hinte, FernUniversität Hagen
Dr. Jasmin Schmitz, ZB MED, Cologne
Janina Preuß, Department of Research and Teaching at UMC-Mainz
Dr. Sebastian Golla, Department of Public and Information Law, JGU Mainz
Anmeldeschluß 17.11.2019

Janina Preuß
Department of Research and Teaching at UMC-Mainz
E-Mail: forschung.um@uni-mainz.de



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