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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


FTN Seminar Series: Marlene Bartos: "Two-Photon imaging of the emergence of memory engrams throughout the hippocampus"

Veranstalter: FTN (Focus Program Translational Neurosciences)

    Host of this event is Univ.-Prof. Dr. Simon Rumpel, Institute of Physiology, and Focus Program Translational Neuroscience (FTN), Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center, Mainz. 

Datum 13.11.2020
Uhrzeit 16:00 Uhr

The Seminar Series will be held online using MS Teams.

Fortbildungspunkte 0.1 CP TransMed
Dozent Prof. Marlene Bartos
Bernstein Center Freiburg
University of Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany

Univ.- Prof. Dr. Simon Rumpel
Institute of Physiology
E-Mail:  sirumpel@uni-mainz.de



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