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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


FTN Seminar Series: Talk by Jovinca Ninkovic "Liquid liquid phase separation in microglia-unexpected mechanism to regulate glial dynamics and neuroinflamation" -VERANSTALTUNG ENTFÄLLT-

Veranstalter: FTN (Focus Translational Neurosciences)

    Jovica is well-known for his work on glial cells in the context of brain repair and regeneration. His lab utilizes zebrafish and mouse as model systems to identify biomarkers and novel therapeutic approaches applicable to human brain injury. They combine in vivo cell imaging methods and OMICS analysis to understand processes underlying regeneration in zebrafish and implement them for repair in the mammalian brain.

Datum 11.11.2022
Uhrzeit 16:00 Uhr

to be announced

Dozent Prof. Dr. Jovinca Ninkovic
LMU/Helmholtz Center Munich

PD Dr. Pascal Nicklas ( nicklap@uni-mainz.de

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