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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


Mainz Seminar Series "Regulation of Innate Lymphoid Cell Function at Steady State and During Viral Infection"

Veranstalter: FZI and CRC 1292 and supported by UCT, TRR 355 and EMTHERA

Datum 05.09.2023
Uhrzeit 12:00 Uhr

University Medical Center

308A, PKZI, 3.105, 3rd floor Seminar Room

Dozent Dr. Mario Witowski, CHARITÉ - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Doreen Nothmann & Nadine Hövelmeyer 

Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI), University Medical Center Mainz




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