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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


Presenting Research Results - Scientific English (hybrid)

Veranstalter: TRANSMED

    In the workshop, theory input will be alternated with numerous practical exercises. The participants will also receive extensive feedback on their communication and presentation skills.

Datum 12.09.2022 bis
Uhrzeit 09:00-12:30 Uhr

12. + 13.9., 9.00-12.30 a.m. each - online via Zoom (input)

AND 20.09., 9.30 a.m. -1.00 p.m. OR 1.30 - 5.00 p.m., practice in 2 small working groups in person, large seminar room in building 911 ("Verfügungsgebäude"), University Medical Center Mainz


TransMed's doctoral students and clinician scientists. B2-Knowledge of English is required.

Fortbildungspunkte For the workshop 1.5 CP for transferable skills training can be credited.

Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631
E-Mail: ivonne.dietzel@uni-mainz.de

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