
1.    Zevallos VF, Olinga P, Thung BP, Schuppan D. Alpha-amylase trypsin inhibitors elicit innate immune activation in murine and human intestinal tissue explants. In: Proceedings of the 26th meeting of the Working Group on Prolamine Analysis and Toxicity, Darmstadt, Germany. Koehler, Peter, ed. German Research center for Food Chemistry, Freising, Germany; 2012.

2.    Schuppan D, Junker Y, Wieser H, Zevallos V. Cereal triggers of innate immune activation. In: Proceedings of the 25th meeting of the Working Group on Prolamine Analysis and Toxicity, Fellbach, Germany. Koehler, Peter, ed. German Research center for Food Chemistry, Freising, Germany; 2012; pp.93-96.

3.    Schuppan D, Schattenberg J. NASH/NAFLD – natürlicher Verlauf und medikamentöse Therapie. Falk Symposium on Liver and Intestinal Disease, Titisee, Germany.

4.    Leffler DA, Schuppan D. Future therapies for celiac disease. In: Real Life with Celiac Disease. Dennis, M, Leffler DA, eds. AGA Press, Bethesda, MD; 2010. p.345-48.

5.    Leffler DA, Schuppan D. Blood tests in celiac disease. In: Real Life with Celiac Disease Dennis, M, Leffler DA, eds. AGA Press, Bethesda, MD; 2010. p.29-36.

6.    Schuppan D, Popov Y. Noninvasive monitoring of hepatic fibrosis. In: Translational Research in Chronic Liver Diseases. Bartenschlager R, Kern MA, Manns MP, Schirrmacher P, Schuppan D, eds. Karger, Basel, Switzerland; 2010.

7.    Schuppan D, Junker Y. Celiac disease. In: Frontiers in Gastroenterology: Clinical Update on Inflammatory Disorders of the GI Tract. Mayerle J, Tilg H, eds. Karger, Basel, Switzerland; 2010.

8.    Schuppan D. Celiac sprue. Encyclopedia of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. Lang F, ed. Springer, New York; 2008. p.168-70.

9.    Schuppan D. Mechanisms of hepatic fibrosis and antifibrotic therapy. In: Rockstroh JK, Mauss S, Jaeger H, eds. Coinfection Hepatitis and HIV. Thieme, Stuttgart, New York; 2006. p.6-13.

10. Schuppan D, Freitag T. Modern concepts of celiac disease pathogenesis. In: Blumberg RS, Gangl A, Manns MP, Tilg H, Zeitz M, eds. Gut-Liver Interactions: Basic and Clinical Concepts. Dordrecht: Springer; 2006. p.153-64.

11. Schuppan D. pathogenesis of celiac disease. In: Hernell O, ed. Celiac Disease in Childhood. Annales Nestle. Lausanne, Switzerland; 2005. p. 95-106

12. Schuppan D. Prospects for antifibrotic therapy in hepatic fibrosis. Govaresh 2004; 9:75-88.

13. Schuppan D. Prospects for antifibrotic therapy. In: Rockey D, Wright T, eds. Chronic Liver Disease: From Bench to Bedside. AASLD Postgraduate Course Syllabus. Boston 2004. p. 65-75.

14. Schuppan D. How to assess fibrosis stage. In: Marcellin P, ed. Management of Patients with Viral hepatitis. APMAHV, Paris; 2004. p. 47-64.

15. Schuppan D. Screening with antibodies. In: Galmiche JP, ed: Celiac Disease. European Institute of Healthcare. Diegem, Belgium; 2004. p. 43-8.

16. Schuppan D, Popov Y, Patsenker E. How should and how does antifibrotic therapy act in biliary fibrosis? In: Leuschner U, Broome U, Stiehl A, editors. Cholestatic Liver Disease. Therapeutic Options and Perspectives. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer; 2004. p.314-22.

17. Schuppan D, Stickel F. Markers of progression. In: Blum HE, Maier KP, Rodes J, Sauerbruch T, editors. Liver Diseases: Advances in Prevention and Treatment. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer; 2004.

18. Fan H, Yan S, Stehling S, Marguet D, Schuppan D, Reutter W. In: Hildebarandt M, Klapp B, Hoffman T, Demuth HU, eds. Dipeptidyl aminopeptidases in health and disease. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26 in T cell activation, cytokine secretion and immunoglobulin production. New York: Kluwer; 2003. p. 165-74.

19. Schuppan D, Esslinger B, Freitag T, Dieterich W. Coeliac disease: the role of tissue transglutaminase. In: Coeliac Disease. Cerf-Bensussan N, Brousse N, Caillat-Zucman S, Cellier C, Schmitz J, editors. Libbey: Montrouge; 2003. p.49-55.

20. Schuppan D. Einheimische Sprue. In: Domschke W, editor. Therapiehandbuch Innere Medizin. München: Urban; 2003. p.1-4.

21. Schuppan D, Popov Y, Patsenker E, Bauer M. Hepatic fibrogenesis. In: Galle P, Wiedenmann B., editors. Disease progression and carcinogenesis in the gastrointestinal tract. Lancaster: Kluwer; 2003. p. 169-79.

22. Schuppan D. Malassimilationssyndrome. In: Schölmerich J, editor. Medizinische Therapie in Klinik und Praxis. Berlin: Springer; 2003. p. 788-90.

23. Schuppan D. Zöliakie/einheimische Sprue. In: Schölmerich J, editor. Medizinische Therapie in Klinik und Praxis. Berlin: Springer; 2003. p. 785-8.

24. Schuppan D, Herold C, Ganslmayer M, Hahn EG. Therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma with combinations of biomodulators. In: Berr F, Bruix J, Wands J, Hauss J, Wittekind C, editors. Malignant Liver Tumours: Basic Concepts and Clinical Management. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 2003. p.145-48.

25. Schuppan D. Cytokine and anti-cytokine strategies to treat liver fibrosis. In: Moreno-Otero J, Albillos A, Garcia-Monzon C, editors. Cytokine in Liver Diseases. Madrid: Accion Medica; 2002.
p. 341-54.

26. Schuppan D, Ruehl M, Somasundaram R, Hahn EG. Matrix-binding motifs and peptide mimetics as mosulators of wound healing and fibrogenesis. In: Gressner AM, Heinrich PC, Matern S, editors. Cytokines in liver injury and repair. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 2002. p.286-98.

27. Schuppan D, Bauer M, Krebs A, Hahn EG. Antifibrogenic treatment – present status and future directions. In: Arroyo V, editor. Therapy in Hepatology. Barcelona: Ars Medica; 2001. p.395-405.

28. Schuppan D. Hemmung der Leberfibrose: Von den Grundlagen zur klinischen Realität. In: Nilius R, Predel K, Zipprich B, editors. Leberzirrhose. Berlin: Kästner; 2001. p. 25-39.

29. Schuppan D, Bauer M, Herold C, Hahn EG. Serum markers and therapeutic approaches to fibrosis. In: Dienes HP, Schirmacher, Brechot C, Okuda K, editors. Complications of Chronic Liver Diseases. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 2000. p. 189-95.

30. Dieterich W, Riecken EO, Schuppan D. Detection of IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase in celiac disease. In: Marsh NM, editor. Celiac Disease. New Jersey Humana; 2000. p. 241-5.

31. Schuppan D, Schneider HT, Hahn EG. Hepatitis B und C: Interferone und neue antivirale Medikamente. In: Schattenkirchner M, editor. Innere Medizin. München: Zuckschwerdt; 1999.
p. 46-51.

32. Schuppan D, Hahn EG. Hepatische Fibrose. In: Singer MV, Teyssen S, editors. Alkohol und Alkoholfolgekrankheiten: Grundlagen-Diagnostik-Therapie. Berlin: Springer; 1999. p. 229-34.

33. Schuppan D, Dieterich W. Pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations of celiac disease. In: Up to Date in Gastroenterology and Hepatology [CD-rom continuously updated reviews]. Wellesley, MA, USA; 1999.

34. Gressner AM, Schuppan D. Pathophysiology of liver fibrosis. In: Bircher J, Benhamou JP, McIntyre N, Rizzetto M, Rodes J, editors. Oxford Textbook of Clinical Hepatology; 1998. p. 607-28.

35. Schuppan D, Gressner AM. Metabolism of collagen and other extracellular proteins. In: Bircher J, Benhamou JP, McIntyre N, Rizzetto M, Rodes J, editors. Oxford Textbook of Clinical Hepatology; 1998. p. 381-408.

36. Schuppan D. Treatment of liver fibrosis: Potential, monotoring and clinical studies. In: Findell PR, editor. IBC's Third International Symposium on Fibrosis: Identification and Development of Novel Anti-Fibrotic Agents. Southborough: D&MD Publications; 1998. pp.1-17.

37. Schuppan D, Hahn EG. Fibrogenesis in PBC. In: Lindor K, Heathcote J, Poupon R, editors Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: From Pathogenesis to Clinical Treatment. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 1998. p. 64-75.

38. Stallmach A, Weg-Remers S, Matthes H, Schuppan D, Zeitz M. Collagen metabolism in inflammatory bowel diseases. In: Andus T, Goebell H, Layer P, Schölmerich J, editors. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - from Bench to Bedside. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 1997. p. 157-66.

39. Schuppan D, Jia JD, Boigk G, Oesterling C. Liver fibrogenesis: Therapy and non-invasive assessment. In: Galmiche JP, Gournay J, editors. Recent Advances in the Pathophysiology of gastro-intestinal and liver diseases. Montrouge: John Libbey Eurotext; 1997. p. 243-58.

40. Schuppan D. Serum assays in diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrogenesis. In: Gentilini P, editor. Proceedings of the 17. National Liver Week; 1996 May 3-7; Florence, Italy; 1996. p. 319-33.

41. Schuppan D, Herbst H. Leberfibrose: Pathobiochemie, Zellbiologie und Therapieansätze. In: Domschke W, editor. Bindegewebe und innere Erkrankungen. München: Urban und Schwarzenberg; 1996. p. 91-110.

42. Schuppan D, Aksü T, Libuda P, Koszka C, Herbst H. Serum markers for liver fibrosis - current and future developments In: Reichen J, Poupon R, editors. Surrogate markers to assess efficacy of treatment in chronic liver diseases. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 1996. p. 105-22.

43. Lüpke, Schuppan D. Hepatotoxische Pharmaka. Lebermanual (Bundesverband der Allgemeinärzte Deutschlands). Münster: WKW; 1995. p. 81-2.

44. Schuppan D. Krankheitsbilder chronischer Lebererkrankungen. Lebermanual (Bundesverband der Allgemeinärzte Deutschlands). Münster: WKW; 1995. p. 40-8.

45. Herbst H, Wege T, Milani S, Ngo DV, Gressner AM, Schuppan D. Cellular localization and kinetics of matrix metalloproteinase-3 expression following acute and chronic toxic liver injury in the rat. In: Surrenti C, Casini A, Milani S, Pinzani M, editors. Fat Storing Cells and Liver Fibrosis. London: Kluwer Academic Press; 1993. p. 128-31.

46. Schuppan D, Somasundaram R. Perspectives in the diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrogenesis. In: Gentilini P, editor. Proceedings of the 15. National Liver Week; 1993 May 3-7; Florence, Italy; 1993. p. 319-33.

47. Schuppan D, Herbst H, Milani S. Matrix, matrix synthesis and molecular networks in hepatic fibrosis. In: Zern MA, Reid LM, editors. Chemistry, Biology and Pathobiology with Emphasis on the Liver. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1993. p. 201-54.

48. Schuppan D, Milani S. The extracellular matrix in cellular communication. In: Gressner AM, Ramadori G, editors. Molecular and Cell Biology of Liver Fibrogenesis. London: Kluwer Academic Press; 1992. p. 52-71.

49. Herbst H, Milani S, Schuppan D, Heinrichs O, Priefler A, Stein H. Temporal and spatial patterns of proto-oncogene, TGF-1 and matrix protease RNA expression at early stages of toxic liver injury in the rat. In: Gressner AM, Ramadori G, editors. Molecular and Cell Biology of Liver Cirrhosis. London: Kluwer Academic Press; 1992. p. 274-6.

50. Milani S, Schuppan D, Herbst H, Surrenti C. Expression of transforming growth factor 1 in normal and fibrotic human liver. In: Gressner AM, Ramadori G, editors. Molecular and Cell Biology of Liver Cirrhosis. London: Kluwer Academic Press; 1992. p. 255-61.

51. Klingel R, Ramadori G, Schuppan D, Knittel T, Meyer zum Büschenfelde KH, Köhler H. Expression of transforming growth factor and extracellular matrix glycoproteins undulin and tenascin in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. In: Gressner AM, Ramadori G, editors. Molecular and Cell Biology of Liver Cirrhosis. London: Kluwer Academic Press; 1992. p. 163-71.

52. Knittel T, Odenthal M, Schwögler S, Schuppan D, Meyer zum Büschenfelde KH, Ramadori G. Tissue distribution and cellular origin of undulin in the rat liver. In: Gressner AM, Ramadori G, editors. Molecular and Cell Biology of Liver Cirrhosis. London: Kluwer Academic Press; 1992. p. 159-62

53. Schuppan D, Just M, Somasundaram R. The extracellular matrix-a major signal transduction network. In: Clement B, Guillouzo A, editors. Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Cirrhosis. Paris: John Libbey Eurotext; 1992. p. 115-34. (Vol. 216)

54. Griffiths MR, Ferrier R, Schuppan D, Burt AD. Collagen type VI: a component of the perisinusoidal extracellular matrix in human liver. In: Wisse E, Knook DL, McCuskey RS, editors. Kupffer Cell Foundation. Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid. Leiden, NL: 1991. p. 155-60. (Vol. 3.)

55. Stallmach A, Schuppan D, Dax J, Hanski C, Riecken EO. 'Rezeptor'-vermittelte Bindung humaner Kolonkarzinomzellen an Laminin, dem Hauptglykoprotein der intestinalen Basalmembran. Kassenarzt 1990; 25: 42-5.

56. Reichart P, van den Berghe P, Becker J, Schuppan D, Hausamen JE. Zur Bedeutung epithelial-mesenchymaler Interaktionen in mikrovaskulär gestielten Dünndarm-transplantaten zum Ersatz oraler Mukosa. In: Schwenzer N, Pfeiffer G, editors. Fortschrittte der Gesichts- und Kieferchirurgie. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1990. p. 63-6.

57. Milani S, Herbst H, Schuppan D, Vigano S, Biagini MR, Surrenti C. In situ hybridization to mRNAs: a tool for the identification of the cellular source of extracellular matrix components in the liver. In: Dianzani MU, Gentilini P, editors. Chronic Liver Damage. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1990. p. 77-86.

58. Schuppan D, Hahn EG, Riecken EO. Connective tissue proteins in the liver: collagens and glycoproteins. In: Waldschmidt J, Charissis G, Schier F, editors. Cholestasis in Neonates. München: Zuckschwerdt; 1988. p. 97-116.

59. Danne T, Decker J, Schuppan D, Burger W, Enders I, Hahn EG, Charissis G, Weber B. Serum levels of laminin P1 and type IV collagen in healthy children and children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In: Gubler MC, Sternberg M, editors. Progress in Basement Membrane Research. London: John Libbey; 1988. p. 315-22.

60. Langford-Kuntz A, Becker J, Schuppan D, Gelderblom H, Pohle HD, Reichart P. Klinische, morphologische und immunhistochemische Untersuchungen des oralen Kaposi Sarkoms (AIDS). In: Pfeifer G, Schwenzer N, editors. Fortschritte der Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie XXXIII. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1988. p. 58-61.

61. Schulz R, Schuppan D, Hahn EG. Connective tissue and ductular metaplasia of hepatocytes. In: Wolff JR, Berry M, Sievers J, editors. Mesenchymal-Epithelial Interactions in Neural Development. Berlin: Springer; 1987. p. 119-125.

62. Hahn U, Schuppan D, Hahn EG, Merker HJ, Riecken EO. Cell-matrix interaction in the differentiation of the intestinal epithelium. In: Wolff JR, Berry M, Sievers J, editors. Mesenchymal-Epithelial Interactions in Neural Development. Berlin: Springer; 1987. p. 111-17.

63. Hahn EG, Schuppan D. Clinical trials with antifibrotic agents-the perspective. In: Perissoud D, Testa B, editors. Liver Drugs: From Experimental Pharmacology to Therapeutic Application. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1987. p. 81-5.

64. Hahn EG, Schuppan D. Pathogenic mechanisms: fibrosis, fibrogenesis and fibrolysis. In: Tygstrup N, Orlandi F, editors: Cirrhosis of the Liver. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1987. p. 63-81.

65. Schuppan D, Hahn EG. Components of the extracellular matrix (collagens, elastin, glycoproteins and proteoglycans). In: Wolff JR, Berry M, Sievers J, editors. Mesenchymal-Epithelial Interactions in Neural Development. Berlin: Springer; 1987. p. 3-29.

66. Hahn EG, Schuppan D. Ethanol and fibrogenesis in the liver. In: Seitz HK, Kommerell B, editors. Alcohol Related Diseases in Gastroenterology. Berlin: Springer; 1985. p. 124-53.

67. Hahn EG, Schuppan D. Collagen Metabolism in Liver Disease. In: Bianchi L, Gerok W, Landmann L, Sickinger K, Stalder GA, editors. Liver in Metabolic Disease. Lancaster: MTP Press; 1983. p. 309-23.

68. Hahn, EG, Schuppan D. Die klinische Bedeutung der Leberfibrose im Verlauf einer chronischen Hepatitis. In: Tittor W, editor. Chronische Lebererkrankungen. Stuttgart: Thieme; 1982. p. 80-4.