The Division of Medical Biometry coordinates biostatistical services for studies across a very broad spectrum. Motivated by this, we conduct methodological research, among other things to be able to support studies with complex data structures and designs. Examples include recurrent or competing endpoints in clinical registries, surveys over time, cluster randomized trials, and stepped wedge designs.
A major motivation for this is that with increasingly complex questions, internationally competitive medical research absolutely requires the establishment and redevelopment of adequate statistical techniques. For this purpose, cooperation with local platform operators, registry operators and the Center for Clinical Studies (IZKS) is very important. Accordingly, the department coordinates with cooperating centers, e.g. for joint supervision of statistical PhD theses and with joint seminars for exchange of expertise.
Research and service on bioinformatics topics takes place in the Department of Genomic Statistics and Bioinformatics. The two departments work in close coordination.
We offer the possibility to do a bachelor or master thesis in our department. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.