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Evaluating the impact of a standard maintenance event on air quality and mobility habits in Mainz


Air pollution has been worldwide associated to various health outcomes. Starting January 2020 we have a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of an initiative, which simulates an air pollution intervention targeting traffic. In fact, for four weeks, one of the main bridges between the cities of Mainz and Wiesbaden (Theodor-Heuss-Brücke) will be closed for traffic due to standard maintenance work. Aim of our study is to use this unique occasion as a chance to evaluate its impact on local air pollution and changes in individual behaviour.

Materials and Methods

Data from an air quality monitoring-station placed in the proximity of the bridge will be used. This station will measure nitrogen oxides, fine particulate matter (Feinstaub) and meteorological measurements to assess the local air quality. In addition, a questionnaire on mobility habits, pollution risk perception and willingness to support limitative regulations in matter of traffic will be addressed to a representative sample. For the purpose of the study an interrupted time series approach will be employed.


Financial support

Innereuniversitäre Forschungdförderung 2020


Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie Mainz


Impact of the temporary closure of a major bridge on local air quality in two large German cities: an accountability study | SpringerLink

Association of risk perception and transport mode choice during the temporary closure of a major inner-city road bridge: results of a cross-sectional study | European Transport Research Review | Full Text (springeropen.com)