Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Marc A. Brockmann, M.Sc.

 Marc A. Brockmann, M.Sc.

  • Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neuroradiologie

  • Sprecher des Zentrums für Bildgebung, minimalinvasive und molekulare Therapie

  • Weiterbildungsbefugter Radiologie und Neuroradiologie

  • Ärztl. Schulleiter des Ausbildungszentrums für Medizinische Technologie Fachrichtung Radiologie

  • Radiologe & Neuroradiologe

  • DeGIR-/DGNR-Spezialist für neurovaskuläre Therapie (Module E und F)

+49 (0)6131 17-7139



Studium der Humanmedizin am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf und an der University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Ärztliche Tätigkeit

2001-2003Klinik für Neurochirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
2003-2004Institut für Neuroradiologie, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck
2004-2008Abteilung für Neuroradiologie und Institut für Klinische Radiologie, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
2008Verleihung der Venia legendi für das Fach Neuroradiologie
2009-2013Oberarzt der Abteilung für Neuroradiologie, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim
2011Verleihung der Bezeichnung "außerplanmäßiger Professor" an der Medizinischen Fakultät Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg
2013-2016W2-Professur für Experimentelle Interventionelle Neuroradiologie und Geschäftsführender Oberarzt der Klinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie, Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen
Seit 2016Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neuroradiologie an der Universitätsmedizin Mainz
Deutsche Gesellschaft für interventionelle Radiologie (DeGIR):

  • Ausbilder gefäßeröffnende Neuro-Interventionen (Modul E)
    PTA/Stent der extrakraniellen supraaortalen Arterien, PTA/Stent der intrakraniellen Arterien, mechanische Rekanalisation beim Schlaganfall, lokale Lyse beim Schlaganfall)
  • Ausbilder neurovaskuläre Embolisationsbehandlungen (Modul F)
    Embolisation und vergleichbare Verfahren bei intrakraniellen Aneurysmen, Embolisation intrakranieller und spinaler Gefäßfehlbildungen, sonstige intrakranielle Embolisationen)

Felasa Zertifizierung gemäß Klasse C

  • Versuchsleiter
  • Endovaskuläre Behandlung von intrakraniellen Aneurysmen und Fisteln
  • Schlaganfalltherapie
  • Entwicklung neuroradiologischer Behandlungsverfahren und Katheter
  • Hochauflösende Bildgebung der Hirngefäße
  • Präklinische in vivo-Bildgebung
  1. Tanyildizi Y, Payne E, Gerber T, Seidman L, Heimann A, Kempski O, et al. In vitro testing of a funnel-shaped tip catheter model to decrease clot migration during mechanical thrombectomy. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):633.
  2. Neulen A, Kunzelmann S, Kosterhon M, Pantel T, Stein M, Berres M, et al. Automated Grading of Cerebral Vasospasm to Standardize Computed Tomography Angiography Examinations After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Front Neurol. 2020;11:13.
  3. Guchlerner M, Brockmann MA, Pitz S. [Periocular Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma with Mono- and Biclonal Gammopathy]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2020;237(1):41-5.
  4. Butsch CS, Heider J, Brockmann MA, Pfeiffer N, Ringel FA, Schwandt E, et al. [Pulsatile tumor of the orbit]. Ophthalmologe. 2020.
  5. Weyer V, Maros ME, Kronfeld A, Kirschner S, Groden C, Sommer C, et al. Longitudinal imaging and evaluation of SAH-associated cerebral large artery vasospasm in mice using micro-CT and angiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2019:271678X19887052.
  6. Verburg FA, Wiessmann M, Neuloh G, Mottaghy FM, Brockmann MA. Intraindividual comparison of selective intraarterial versus systemic intravenous 68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT in patients with inoperable meningioma. Nuklearmedizin. 2019;58(1):23-7.
  7. Tanyildizi Y, Keweloh S, Neu MA, Russo A, Wingerter A, Weyer-Elberich V, et al. Radiation-induced vascular changes in the intracranial irradiation field in medulloblastoma survivors: An MRI study. Radiother Oncol. 2019;136:50-5.
  8. Russo A, Paret C, Alt F, Burhenne J, Fresnais M, Wagner W, et al. Ceritinib-Induced Regression of an Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Driven Neuroepithelial Brain Tumor. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(17).
  9. Nospes S, Brockmann MA, Lassig A. [MRI in patients with auditory implants equipped with implanted magnets-an update : Overview and procedural management]. Radiologe. 2019;59(1):48-56.
  10. Neulen A, Pantel T, Dieter A, Kosterhon M, Berres M, Thal SC, et al. Volumetric analysis of intracranial vessels: a novel tool for evaluation of cerebral vasospasm. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2019;14(1):157-67.
  11. Kroll J, Pitz S, Brockmann MA. [Orbital Manifestation of IgG4-Related Disease: Three Case Reports]. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2019;236(1):25-30.
  12. Heringer S, Kabelitz L, Kramer M, Nikoubashman O, Brockmann MA, Kirschner S, et al. Platelet function testing in pigs using the Multiplate(R) Analyzer. PLoS One. 2019;14(8):e0222010.
  13. Henn D, Abu-Halima M, Wermke D, Falkner F, Thomas B, Kopple C, et al. MicroRNA-regulated pathways of flow-stimulated angiogenesis and vascular remodeling in vivo. J Transl Med. 2019;17(1):22.
  14. Gomarteli K, Fleckenstein J, Kirschner S, Bobu V, Brockmann MA, Henzler T, et al. Radiation-induced malignancies after intensity-modulated versus conventional mediastinal radiotherapy in a small animal model. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):15489.
  15. Gohmann RF, Blume C, Zvyagintsev M, Mainz V, Clusmann H, Wiesmann M, et al. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Changes of fractional anisotropy in the spinal cord and magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the primary motor cortex in relation to clinical symptoms and their duration. Eur J Radiol. 2019;116:55-60.
  16. Eweida A, Rosenbauer O, Frisch O, Giordano FA, Fleckenstein J, Wenz F, et al. Irradiation Delays Tissue Growth but Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation in Vascularized Constructs. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2019;35(1):46-56.
  17. Brockmann MA, Elflein HM. [Neuroradiology in ophthalmology]. Ophthalmologe. 2019;116(7):689-706.
  18. Auer TA, Breit HC, Marini F, Renovanz M, Ringel F, Sommer CJ, et al. Evaluation of the apparent diffusion coefficient in patients with recurrent glioblastoma under treatment with bevacizumab with radiographic pseudoresponse. J Neuroradiol. 2019;46(1):36-43.
  19. Aslam M, Ullah A, Paramasivam N, Kandasamy N, Naureen S, Badshah M, et al. Segregation and potential functional impact of a rare stop-gain PABPC4L variant in familial atypical Parkinsonism. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):13576.
  20. Sen S, Erber R, Kunzmann K, Kirschner S, Weyer V, Schilling L, et al. Assessing abrasion of orthodontic surface sealants using a modified ophthalmic optical coherence tomography device. Clin Oral Investig. 2018;22(9):3143-57.
  21. Othman AE, Brockmann C, Yang Z, Kim C, Afat S, Pjontek R, et al. Erratum to: Effects of radiation dose reduction in volume perfusion CT imaging of acute ischaemic stroke. Eur Radiol. 2018;28(2):650.
  22. Nikoubashman O, Heringer S, Feher K, Brockmann MA, Sellhaus B, Dreser A, et al. Development of a Polymer-Based Biodegradable Neurovascular Stent Prototype: A Preliminary In Vitro and In Vivo Study. Macromol Biosci. 2018;18(7):e1700292.
  23. Neulen A, Kosterhon M, Pantel T, Kirschner S, Goetz H, Brockmann MA, et al. A Volumetric Method for Quantification of Cerebral Vasospasm in a Murine Model of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. J Vis Exp. 2018(137).
  24. Neu MA, Tanyildizi Y, Wingerter A, Henninger N, El Malki K, Alt F, et al. Susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of cerebrovascular sequelae after radiotherapy for pediatric brain tumors. Radiother Oncol. 2018;127(2):280-6.
  25. Komnig D, Gertz K, Habib P, Nolte KW, Meyer T, Brockmann MA, et al. Faim2 contributes to neuroprotection by erythropoietin in transient brain ischemia. J Neurochem. 2018;145(3):258-70.
  26. Haverkamp C, Ganslandt T, Horki P, Boeker M, Dorfler A, Schwab S, et al. Regional Differences in Thrombectomy Rates : Secondary use of Billing Codes in the MIRACUM (Medical Informatics for Research and Care in University Medicine) Consortium. Clin Neuroradiol. 2018;28(2):225-34.
  27. Hansel NH, Schubert GA, Scholz B, Nikoubashman O, Othman AE, Wiesmann M, et al. Implant-specific follow-up imaging of treated intracranial aneurysms: TOF-MRA vs. metal artifact reduced intravenous flat panel computed tomography angiography (FPCTA). Clin Radiol. 2018;73(2):218 e9- e15.
  28. Eweida A, Frisch O, Giordano FA, Fleckenstein J, Wenz F, Brockmann MA, et al. Axially vascularized tissue-engineered bone constructs retain their in vivo angiogenic and osteogenic capacity after high-dose irradiation. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2018;12(2):e657-e68.
  29. Afat S, Brockmann C, Nikoubashman O, Muller M, Thierfelder KM, Kunz WG, et al. Diagnostic performance of different perfusion algorithms for the detection of angiographical spasm. J Neuroradiol. 2018;45(5):290-4.
  30. Afat S, Brockmann C, Nikoubashman O, Muller M, Thierfelder KM, Brockmann MA, et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Simulated Low-Dose Perfusion CT to Detect Cerebral Perfusion Impairment after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Retrospective Analysis. Radiology. 2018;287(2):643-50.
  31. Wiesmann M, Brockmann MA, Heringer S, Muller M, Reich A, Nikoubashman O. Active push deployment technique improves stent/vessel-wall interaction in endovascular treatment of acute stroke with stent retrievers. J Neurointerv Surg. 2017;9(3):253-6.
  32. Tanyildizi Y, Gokce S, Marini F, Mayer AK, Kirschner S, Hennermann JB, et al. Vessel shape alterations of the vertebrobasilar arteries in Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVa (Morquio A) patients. Eur J Radiol. 2017;93:128-33.
  33. Seker F, Hesser J, Brockmann MA, Neumaier-Probst E, Groden C, Schubert R, et al. Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Intra-arterial Nimodipine Therapy for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Related Cerebral Vasospasm. Clin Neuroradiol. 2017;27(2):199-203.
  34. Paret C, Russo A, Otto H, Mayer A, Zahnreich S, Wagner W, et al. Personalized therapy: CNS HGNET-BCOR responsiveness to arsenic trioxide combined with radiotherapy. Oncotarget. 2017;8(69):114210-25.
  35. Othman AE, Afat S, Brockmann C, Nikoubashman O, Bier G, Brockmann MA, et al. Low-Dose Volume-Perfusion CT of the Brain: Effects of Radiation Dose Reduction on Performance of Perfusion CT Algorithms. Clin Neuroradiol. 2017;27(3):311-8.
  36. Nikoubashman O, Probst T, Schurmann K, Othman AE, Matz O, Brockmann MA, et al. Weekend effect in endovascular stroke treatment: do treatment decisions, procedural times, and outcome depend on time of admission? J Neurointerv Surg. 2017;9(4):336-9.
  37. Nikoubashman O, Alt JP, Nikoubashman A, Busen M, Heringer S, Brockmann C, et al. Optimizing endovascular stroke treatment: removing the microcatheter before clot retrieval with stent-retrievers increases aspiration flow. J Neurointerv Surg. 2017;9(5):459-62.
  38. Neulen A, Pantel T, Kosterhon M, Kirschner S, Brockmann MA, Kantelhardt SR, et al. A segmentation-based volumetric approach to localize and quantify cerebral vasospasm based on tomographic imaging data. PLoS One. 2017;12(2):e0172010.
  39. Meyer T, Nikoubashman O, Kabelitz L, Muller M, Othman A, Afat S, et al. Endovascular stentectomy using the snare over stent-retriever (SOS) technique: An experimental feasibility study. PLoS One. 2017;12(5):e0178197.
  40. Mackert GA, Schulte M, Hirche C, Kotsougiani D, Vogelpohl J, Hoener B, et al. Low-energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) improves metaphyseal fracture healing in an osteoporotic rat model. PLoS One. 2017;12(12):e0189356.
  41. Kaymaz ZO, Nikoubashman O, Brockmann MA, Wiesmann M, Brockmann C. Influence of carotid tortuosity on internal carotid artery access time in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Interv Neuroradiol. 2017;23(6):583-8.
  42. Felix MC, Glatting G, Giordano FA, Brockmann MA, Wenz F, Fleckenstein J. Collimator optimization for small animal radiation therapy at a micro-CT. Z Med Phys. 2017;27(1):56-64.
  43. Braczynski AK, Brockmann MA, Scholz T, Bach JP, Schulz JB, Tauber SC. Anterior sacral meningocele infected with Fusobacterium in a patient with recently diagnosed colorectal carcinoma - a case report. BMC Neurol. 2017;17(1):212.
  44. Auer TA, Renovanz M, Marini F, Brockmann MA, Tanyildizi Y. Ischemic stroke and intracranial hemorrhage in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme, treated with bevacizumab. J Neurooncol. 2017;133(3):571-9.
  45. Albanna W, Weiss M, Muller M, Brockmann MA, Rieg A, Conzen C, et al. Endovascular Rescue Therapies for Refractory Vasospasm After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Prospective Evaluation Study Using Multimodal, Continuous Event Neuromonitoring. Neurosurgery. 2017;80(6):942-9.
  46. Wiesmann M, Kalder J, Reich A, Brockmann MA, Othman A, Greiner A, et al. Feasibility of combined surgical and endovascular carotid access for interventional treatment of ischemic stroke. J Neurointerv Surg. 2016;8(6):571-5.
  47. Suske A, Poschke A, Schrock P, Kirschner S, Brockmann M, Staszyk C. Infundibula of equine maxillary cheek teeth. Part 1: Development, blood supply and infundibular cementogenesis. Vet J. 2016;209:57-65.
  48. Stampfl S, Kabbasch C, Muller M, Mpotsaris A, Brockmann M, Liebig T, et al. Initial experience with a new distal intermediate and aspiration catheter in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke: clinical safety and efficacy. J Neurointerv Surg. 2016;8(7):714-8.
  49. Rix A, Fokong S, Heringer S, Pjontek R, Kabelitz L, Theek B, et al. Molecular Ultrasound Imaging of alphavbeta3-Integrin Expression in Carotid Arteries of Pigs After Vessel Injury. Invest Radiol. 2016;51(12):767-75.
  50. Pjontek R, Onenkoprulu B, Scholz B, Kyriakou Y, Schubert GA, Nikoubashman O, et al. Metal artifact reduction for flat panel detector intravenous CT angiography in patients with intracranial metallic implants after endovascular and surgical treatment. J Neurointerv Surg. 2016;8(8):824-9.
  51. Othman AE, Brockmann C, Yang Z, Kim C, Afat S, Pjontek R, et al. Impact of image denoising on image quality, quantitative parameters and sensitivity of ultra-low-dose volume perfusion CT imaging. Eur Radiol. 2016;26(1):167-74.
  52. Othman AE, Afat S, Nikoubashman O, Muller M, Schubert GA, Bier G, et al. Volume perfusion CT imaging of cerebral vasospasm: diagnostic performance of different perfusion maps. Neuroradiology. 2016;58(8):787-92.
  53. Othman AE, Afat S, Brockmann MA, Nikoubashman O, Brockmann C, Nikolaou K, et al. Radiation dose reduction in perfusion CT imaging of the brain: A review of the literature. J Neuroradiol. 2016;43(1):1-5.
  54. Nikoubashman O, Badenschier R, Muller M, Brockmann C, Schubert G, Brockmann MA, et al. Endovascular retrieval of a dislocated coil in the peroneal artery with a stent retriever. BJR Case Rep. 2016;2(1):20150278.
  55. Kubler J, Kirschner S, Hartmann L, Welzel G, Engelhardt M, Herskind C, et al. The HIV-derived protein Vpr52-96 has anti-glioma activity in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget. 2016;7(29):45500-12.
  56. Kirschner S, Murle B, Felix M, Arns A, Groden C, Wenz F, et al. Imaging of Orthotopic Glioblastoma Xenografts in Mice Using a Clinical CT Scanner: Comparison with Micro-CT and Histology. PLoS One. 2016;11(11):e0165994.
  57. Kabelitz L, Nonn A, Nolte KW, Nikoubashman O, Othman A, Heringer S, et al. Long Term Outcome after Application of the Angio-Seal Vascular Closure Device in Minipigs. PLoS One. 2016;11(9):e0163878.
  58. Albanna W, Conzen C, Weiss M, Clusmann H, Fuest M, Mueller M, et al. Retinal Vessel Analysis (RVA) in the Context of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - A Proof of Concept Study. PLoS One. 2016;11(7):e0158781.
  59. Afat S, Pjontek R, Hamou HA, Herz K, Nikoubashman O, Bamberg F, et al. Imaging of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Complications: Comparison of Whole Body Low-Dose Computed Tomography and Radiographic Shunt Series. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2016;40(6):991-6.
  60. Torresin A, Brambilla MG, Monti AF, Moscato A, Brockmann MA, Schad L, et al. Review of potential improvements using MRI in the radiotherapy workflow. Z Med Phys. 2015;25(3):210-20.
  61. Othman AE, Brockmann C, Yang Z, Kim C, Afat S, Pjontek R, et al. Effects of radiation dose reduction in Volume Perfusion CT imaging of acute ischemic stroke. Eur Radiol. 2015;25(12):3415-22.
  62. Othman AE, Afat S, Hamou HA, Pjontek R, Tsiflikas I, Nikoubashman O, et al. High-Pitch Low-Dose Whole-Body Computed Tomography for the Assessment of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts in a Pediatric Patient Model: An Experimental Ex Vivo Study in Rabbits. Invest Radiol. 2015;50(12):858-62.
  63. Othman A, Hamou HA, Pjontek R, Afat S, Clusmann H, Wiesmann M, et al. Evaluation of whole body Ultralow-Dose CT for the assessment of ventriculoperitoneal shunt complications: an experimental ex-vivo study in a swine model. Eur Radiol. 2015;25(8):2199-204.
  64. Nonn A, Kirschner S, Figueiredo G, Kramer M, Nikoubashman O, Pjontek R, et al. Feasibility, Safety, and Efficacy of Flow-Diverting Stent-Assisted Microsphere Embolization of Fusiform and Sidewall Aneurysms. Neurosurgery. 2015;77(1):126-35; discussion 35-6.
  65. Nikoubashman O, Pjontek R, Brockmann MA, Tolba R, Wiesmann M. Retrieval of migrated coils with stent retrievers: an animal study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2015;36(6):1162-6.
  66. Kirschner S, Felix MC, Hartmann L, Bierbaum M, Maros ME, Kerl HU, et al. In vivo micro-CT imaging of untreated and irradiated orthotopic glioblastoma xenografts in mice: capabilities, limitations and a comparison with bioluminescence imaging. J Neurooncol. 2015;122(2):245-54.
  67. Figueiredo G, Fiebig T, Kirschner S, Nikoubashman O, Kabelitz L, Othman A, et al. Minimally Invasive Monitoring of Chronic Central Venous Catheter Patency in Mice Using Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA). PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0130661.
  68. Felix MC, Fleckenstein J, Kirschner S, Hartmann L, Wenz F, Brockmann MA, et al. Image-Guided Radiotherapy Using a Modified Industrial Micro-CT for Preclinical Applications. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0126246.
  69. Wenz H, Eisele P, Artemis D, Forster A, Brockmann MA. Acute Marchiafava-Bignami disease with extensive diffusion restriction and early recovery: case report and review of the literature. J Neuroimaging. 2014;24(4):421-4.
  70. Nittka S, Krueger MA, Shively JE, Boll H, Brockmann MA, Doyon F, et al. Radioimmunoimaging of liver metastases with PET using a 64Cu-labeled CEA antibody in transgenic mice. PLoS One. 2014;9(9):e106921.
  71. Nikoubashman O, Reich A, Gindullis M, Frohnhofen K, Pjontek R, Brockmann MA, et al. Clinical significance of post-interventional cerebral hyperdensities after endovascular mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke. Neuroradiology. 2014;56(1):41-50.
  72. Keuler A, Taschner C, Brockmann MA, Boll H, Forster K, Lutz L, et al. Comparison of high-resolution X-ray and micro-CT for experimental evaluation of intracranial stent prototypes: quality evaluation beyond CE mark. Neuroradiology. 2014;56(4):315-23.
  73. Kerl HU, Boll H, Fiebig T, Figueiredo G, Forster A, Nolte IS, et al. Implantation of pipeline flow-diverting stents reduces aneurysm inflow without relevantly affecting static intra-aneurysmal pressure. Neurosurgery. 2014;74(3):321-34; discussion 34.
  74. Forster A, Wenz H, Kerl HU, Brockmann MA, Groden C. Perfusion patterns in migraine with aura. Cephalalgia. 2014;34(11):870-6.
  75. Forster A, Ssozi J, Al-Zghloul M, Brockmann MA, Kerl HU, Groden C. A comparison of CT/CT angiography and MRI/MR angiography for imaging of vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Clin Neuroradiol. 2014;24(4):347-53.
  76. Forster A, Nolte I, Wenz H, Al-Zghloul M, Kerl HU, Brockmann MA, et al. Anatomical variations in the posterior part of the circle of willis and vascular pathology in bilateral thalamic infarction. J Neuroimaging. 2014;24(4):325-30.
  77. 7Seker F, Hesser J, Neumaier-Probst E, Groden C, Brockmann MA, Schubert R, et al. Dose-response relationship of locally applied nimodipine in an ex vivo model of cerebral vasospasm. Neuroradiology. 2013;55(1):71-6.
  78. Roessner E, Vitacolonna M, Schulmeister A, Pilz L, Tsagogiorgas C, Brockmann M, et al. Human acellular dermis seeded with autologous fibroblasts enhances bronchial anastomotic healing in an irradiated rodent sleeve resection model. Ann Surg Oncol. 2013;20 Suppl 3:S709-15.
  79. Kerl HU, Gerigk L, Brockmann MA, Huck S, Al-Zghloul M, Groden C, et al. Imaging for deep brain stimulation: The zona incerta at 7 Tesla. World J Radiol. 2013;5(1):5-16.
  80.  Forster A, Nolte I, Wenz H, Al-Zghloul M, Kerl HU, Brockmann C, et al. Value of diffusion-weighted imaging in central pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis. Neuroradiology. 2013;55(1):49-56.
  81. Forster A, Kerl HU, Wenz H, Brockmann MA, Nolte I, Groden C. Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging in acute lacunar infarction: is there a mismatch? PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e77428.
  82. Fiebig T, Figueiredo G, Boll H, Kerl HU, Noelte IS, Forster A, et al. A Low Cost Metal-Free Vascular Access Mini-Port for Artifact Free Imaging and Repeated Injections in Mice. PLoS One. 2013;8(6):e65939.
  83. Bumb JM, Brockmann MA, Groden C, Nolte I. Microstructural analysis of pineal volume using trueFISP imaging. World J Radiol. 2013;5(4):166-72.
  84. Brockmann C, Sommer T, Pirzer R, Kerl HU, Nolte IS, Forster A, et al. Repeated MRI of a patient with an intramedullary tumour and implanted cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D). Clin Neuroradiol. 2013;23(3):237-41.
  85. Boll H, Figueiredo G, Fiebig T, Nittka S, Doyon F, Kerl HU, et al. Comparison of Fenestra LC, ExiTron nano 6000, and ExiTron nano 12000 for micro-CT imaging of liver and spleen in mice. Acad Radiol. 2013;20(9):1137-43.
  86. Kerl HU, Boll H, Ramacher M, Heilmann M, Groden C, Kramer M, et al. Characterization and longitudinal monitoring of melanoma growth in ret-transgenic mice using a single-sequence MRI protocol. Exp Dermatol. 2012;21(11):837-41.
  87. Kerl HU, Al-Zghloul M, Groden C, Brockmann MA. Endovascular repositioning of a pipeline embolization device dislocated from the vertebral into the basilar artery using a stent-in-stent technique. Practical and technical considerations. Clin Neuroradiol. 2012;22(1):47-54.
  88. Figueiredo G, Brockmann C, Boll H, Heilmann M, Schambach SJ, Fiebig T, et al. Comparison of digital subtraction angiography, micro-computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography in the assessment of the cerebrovascular system in live mice. Clin Neuroradiol. 2012;22(1):21-8.
  89. Figueiredo G, Boll H, Kramer M, Groden C, Brockmann MA. In vivo X-ray digital subtraction and CT angiography of the murine cerebrovasculature using an intra-arterial route of contrast injection. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2012;33(9):1702-9.
  90. Fiebig T, Boll H, Figueiredo G, Kerl HU, Nittka S, Groden C, et al. Three-dimensional in vivo imaging of the murine liver: a micro-computed tomography-based anatomical study. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31179.
  91. Bumb JM, Brockmann MA, Groden C, Al-Zghloul M, Nolte I. TrueFISP of the pediatric pineal gland: volumetric and microstructural analysis. Clin Neuroradiol. 2012;22(1):69-77.
  92. Buergy D, Wenz F, Groden C, Brockmann MA. Tumor-platelet interaction in solid tumors. Int J Cancer. 2012;130(12):2747-60.
  93. Nolte I, Gorbey S, Boll H, Figueiredo G, Groden C, Lemmer B, et al. Maintained functionality of an implantable radiotelemetric blood pressure and heart rate sensor after magnetic resonance imaging in rats. Physiol Meas. 2011;32(12):1941-51.
  94. Kralev S, Haag B, Spannenberger J, Lang S, Brockmann MA, Bartling S, et al. Expansion of the Multi-Link Frontier coronary bifurcation stent: micro-computed tomographic assessment in human autopsy and porcine heart samples. PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e21778.
  95. Kerl HU, Isaza CT, Boll H, Schambach SJ, Nolte IS, Groden C, et al. Evaluation of a continuous-rotation, high-speed scanning protocol for micro-computed tomography. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2011;35(4):517-23.
  96. Freyschlag CF, Seiz M, Brockmann MA, Scharf J, Stier RW, Schubert GA, et al. Effect of mouth opening on bypass function after combined revascularization for Moyamoya disease. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2011;112:35-8.
  97. Brockmann MA, Bender B, Plaxina E, Nolte I, Erber R, Lamszus K, et al. Differential effects of tumor-platelet interaction in vitro and in vivo in glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2011;105(1):45-56.
  98. Brockmann M, Gohmann F, Karbach M, Klumper A, Weisse A. Theory of microwave absorption by the spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising magnet. Phys Rev Lett. 2011;107(1):017202.
  99. Brockmann C, Hoefer T, Diepers M, Neumaier-Probst E, Noelte I, Brockmann MA, et al. Abciximab does not prevent ischemic lesions related to cerebral angiography: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2011;31(4):353-7.
  100. Boll H, Nittka S, Doyon F, Neumaier M, Marx A, Kramer M, et al. Micro-CT based experimental liver imaging using a nanoparticulate contrast agent: a longitudinal study in mice. PLoS One. 2011;6(9):e25692.
  101. Boll H, Bag S, Nolte IS, Wilhelm T, Kramer M, Groden C, et al. Double-contrast micro-CT colonoscopy in live mice. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2011;26(6):721-7.
  102. Schambach SJ, Bag S, Schilling L, Groden C, Brockmann MA. Application of micro-CT in small animal imaging. Methods. 2010;50(1):2-13.
  103. Schambach SJ, Bag S, Groden C, Schilling L, Brockmann MA. Vascular imaging in small rodents using micro-CT. Methods. 2010;50(1):26-35.
  104. Nolte I, Brockmann MA, Gerigk L, Groden C, Scharf J. TrueFISP imaging of the pineal gland: more cysts and more abnormalities. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2010;112(3):204-8.
  105. Kerl HU, Zahn K, Kilian AK, Groden C, Brockmann MA. [A child's birthday with consequences]. Radiologe. 2010;50(12):1128-31.
  106. Brockmann MA. Guest Editor's Introduction: In vivo small-animal imaging using micro-CT. Methods. 2010;50(1):1.
  107. Brockmann C, Scharf J, Nolte IS, Seiz M, Groden C, Brockmann MA. Dual-energy CT after peri-interventional subarachnoid haemorrhage: a feasibility study. Clin Neuroradiol. 2010;20(4):231-5.
  108. Boll H, Bag S, Schambach SJ, Doyon F, Nittka S, Kramer M, et al. High-speed single-breath-hold micro-computed tomography of thoracic and abdominal structures in mice using a simplified method for intubation. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2010;34(5):783-90.
  109. Bode H, Seiz M, Lammert A, Brockmann MA, Back W, Hammes HP, et al. SOM230 (pasireotide) and temozolomide achieve sustained control of tumour progression and ACTH secretion in pituitary carcinoma with widespread metastases. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2010;118(10):760-3.
  110. Bag S, Schambach SJ, Boll H, Schilling L, Groden C, Brockmann MA. [Current concepts for experimental micro-CT in small animals]. Rofo. 2010;182(5):390-403.
  111. Tuettenberg J, Grobholz R, Seiz M, Brockmann MA, Lohr F, Wenz F, et al. Recurrence pattern in glioblastoma multiforme patients treated with anti-angiogenic chemotherapy. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2009;135(9):1239-44.
  112. Seiz M, Kohlhof P, Brockmann MA, Neumaier-Probst E, Hermes P, A VOND, et al. First experiences with low-dose anti-angiogenic treatment in gliomatosis cerebri with signs of angiogenic activity. Anticancer Res. 2009;29(8):3261-7.
  113. Schauff AK, Kim EL, Leppert J, Nadrowitz R, Wuestenberg R, Brockmann MA, et al. Inhibition of invasion-associated thromboxane synthase sensitizes experimental gliomas to gamma-radiation. J Neurooncol. 2009;91(3):241-9.
  114. Schambach SJ, Bag S, Steil V, Isaza C, Schilling L, Groden C, et al. Ultrafast high-resolution in vivo volume-CTA of mice cerebral vessels. Stroke. 2009;40(4):1444-50.
  115. Nolte IS, Gungor S, Erber R, Plaxina E, Scharf J, Misselwitz B, et al. In vitro labeling of glioma cells with gadofluorine M enhances T1 visibility without affecting glioma cell growth or motility. Magn Reson Med. 2008;59(5):1014-20.
  116. Nolte I, Przibylla H, Bostel T, Groden C, Brockmann MA. Tumor-platelet interactions: glioblastoma growth is accompanied by increasing platelet counts. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2008;110(4):339-42.
  117. Nolte I, Gerigk L, Brockmann MA, Kemmling A, Groden C. MRI of degenerative lumbar spine disease: comparison of non-accelerated and parallel imaging. Neuroradiology. 2008;50(5):403-9.
  118. Seiz M, Brockmann MA, Schneider UC, Woitzik J, Scharf J. Combination of a supratentorial venous anomaly and infratentorial developmental venous anomalies mimicking AV-malformation: a case report. Zentralbl Neurochir. 2007;68(4):217-9.
  119. Scheda A, Finjap JK, Tuettenberg J, Brockmann MA, Hochhaus A, Hofheinz R, et al. Efficacy of different regimens of adjuvant radiochemotherapy for treatment of glioblastoma. Tumori. 2007;93(1):31-6.
  120. Nolte I, Manville J, Brockmann MA, Probst EN. Medullary impalement: a potential complication of epidural catheterization. Neurology. 2007;68(8):599.
  121. Nolte I, Brockmann MA. Images in clinical medicine. Magnetic resonance imaging of retinal detachment. N Engl J Med. 2007;357(17):e18.
  122. Brockmann MA, Kemmling A, Groden C. Current issues and perspectives in small rodent magnetic resonance imaging using clinical MRI scanners. Methods. 2007;43(1):79-87.
  123. Brockmann MA, Giese A, Mueller K, Kaba FJ, Lohr F, Weiss C, et al. Preoperative thrombocytosis predicts poor survival in patients with glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol. 2007;9(3):335-42.
  124. Brockmann MA. Use of clinical MR scanners for small rodent imaging. Methods. 2007;43(1):1.
  125. Scharf J, Brockmann MA, Daffertshofer M, Diepers M, Neumaier-Probst E, Weiss C, et al. Improvement of sensitivity and interrater reliability to detect acute stroke by dynamic perfusion computed tomography and computed tomography angiography. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2006;30(1):105-10.
  126. Brockmann MA, Ulmer S, Leppert J, Nadrowitz R, Wuestenberg R, Nolte I, et al. Analysis of mouse brain using a clinical 1.5 T scanner and a standard small loop surface coil. Brain Res. 2006;1068(1):138-42.
  127. Brockmann MA, Groden C. Remote cerebellar hemorrhage: a review. Cerebellum. 2006;5(1):64-8.
  128. Ulmer S, Moeller F, Brockmann MA, Kuhtz-Buschbeck JP, Stephani U, Jansen O. Living a normal life with the nondominant hemisphere: magnetic resonance imaging findings and clinical outcome for a patient with left-hemispheric hydranencephaly. Pediatrics. 2005;116(1):242-5.
  129. Lamszus K, Brockmann MA, Eckerich C, Bohlen P, May C, Mangold U, et al. Inhibition of glioblastoma angiogenesis and invasion by combined treatments directed against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, epidermal growth factor receptor, and vascular endothelial-cadherin. Clin Cancer Res. 2005;11(13):4934-40.
  130. Hansen-Algenstaedt N, Joscheck C, Schaefer C, Lamszus K, Wolfram L, Biermann T, et al. Long-term observation reveals time-course-dependent characteristics of tumour vascularisation. Eur J Cancer. 2005;41(7):1073-85.
  131. Brockmann MA, Nowak G, Reusche E, Russlies M, Petersen D. Zebra sign: cerebellar bleeding pattern characteristic of cerebrospinal fluid loss. Case report. J Neurosurg. 2005;102(6):1159-62.
  132. Loges S, Fehse B, Brockmann MA, Lamszus K, Butzal M, Guckenbiehl M, et al. Identification of the adult human hemangioblast. Stem Cells Dev. 2004;13(3):229-42.
  133. Brockmann MA, Ulmer S, Lamszus K, Giese A, Petersen D. Technical note: A toy as tool: a low-cost image analysis system for the evaluation of tumor size in experimental small animal models. Microsc Res Tech. 2004;63(5):306-9.
  134. Ulbricht U, Brockmann MA, Aigner A, Eckerich C, Muller S, Fillbrandt R, et al. Expression and function of the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase zeta and its ligand pleiotrophin in human astrocytomas. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2003;62(12):1265-75.
  135. Lamszus K, Ulbricht U, Matschke J, Brockmann MA, Fillbrandt R, Westphal M. Levels of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor 1 in astrocytic tumors and its relation to malignancy, vascularity, and VEGF-A. Clin Cancer Res. 2003;9(4):1399-405.
  136. Brockmann MA, Westphal M, Lamszus K. Improved method for the intracerebral engraftment of tumour cells and intratumoural treatment using a guide screw system in mice. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2003;145(9):777-81; discussion 81.
  137. Brockmann MA, Ulbricht U, Gruner K, Fillbrandt R, Westphal M, Lamszus K. Glioblastoma and cerebral microvascular endothelial cell migration in response to tumor-associated growth factors. Neurosurgery. 2003;52(6):1391-9; discussion 9.
  138. Brockmann MA, Papadimitriou A, Brandt M, Fillbrandt R, Westphal M, Lamszus K. Inhibition of intracerebral glioblastoma growth by local treatment with the scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor-antagonist NK4. Clin Cancer Res. 2003;9(12):4578-85.
  139. Gutensohn K, Geidel K, Brockmann M, Siemensen M, Krueger W, Kroeger N, et al. Binding of activated platelets to WBCs in vivo after transfusion. Transfusion. 2002;42(10):1373-80.
  140. Brockmann MA, Gutensohn K, Bau J, Kuehnl P, Meinertz T, Nienaber C, et al. Influence of heparin coating of coronary stents and ex vivo efficacy of different doses of acetylsalicylic acid and ticlopidine in a pulsed floating model of recirculating human plasma. Platelets. 2002;13(8):443-9.
  141. Kunkel P, Ulbricht U, Bohlen P, Brockmann MA, Fillbrandt R, Stavrou D, et al. Inhibition of glioma angiogenesis and growth in vivo by systemic treatment with a monoclonal antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2. Cancer Res. 2001;61(18):6624-8.
  142. Brockmann MA, Beythien C, Magens MM, Wilckens V, Kuehnl P, Gutensohn K. Platelet hemostasis capacity in smokers. In vitro function analyses with 3.2% citrated whole blood. Thromb Res. 2001;104(5):333-42.
  143. Brockmann M. A., Wiesmann, M. Zerebrale durale arteriovenöse Fisteln. Aktuelle Neurologie 2016; 43(02): 92 - 101