At the DKTK partner-site Frankfurt/Mainz, the University of Frankfurt and the University Medical Center Mainz collaborate with their complementary expertise in translational cancer research. Frankfurt significantly contributes to molecularly targeted therapies. Mainz stands above all for nationally and internationally outstanding immunotherapeutic approaches, which are promoted at the UCT Mainz in close cooperation with the biotech industry and with non-university institutions. Here, TRON and the PKZI play a special role. Besides, in collaboration with the University Medical Center and the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, the UCT Mainz brings further expertise, especially in the field of DNA repair research, epigenetics, and resistance development in tumor diseases, in the molecular diagnostics in early detection of cancer, and in tumor epidemiology and outcome research.
The scientists and clinicians of the DKTK partner-site Frankfurt/Mainz aim for the discovery of new cancer mechanisms (exploitation of oncogenic mechanisms), find ways to identify the importance of these mechanisms in individual patients (molecular diagnostics) to therapeutically interfere with them (drug discovery and development, molecular therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy), and perform clinical trials to validate these novel diagnostics and therapeutics.