German Cancer Consortium (DKTK)

The German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) was founded in 2012 to support the aim of implementing promising new cancer research findings into the clinic as quickly as possible. Therefore, seven partner locations with their research institutes and university hospitals cooperate with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). The DKTK as a long-term, joint initiative involves not only the DKFZ, but also the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the participating German states.

DKTK partner-site Frankfurt/Mainz

At the DKTK partner-site Frankfurt/Mainz, the University of Frankfurt and the University Medical Center Mainz collaborate with their complementary expertise in translational cancer research. Frankfurt significantly contributes to molecularly targeted therapies. Mainz stands above all for nationally and internationally outstanding immunotherapeutic approaches, which are promoted at the UCT Mainz in close cooperation with the biotech industry and with non-university institutions. Here, TRON and the PKZI play a special role. Besides, in collaboration with the University Medical Center and the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, the UCT Mainz brings further expertise, especially in the field of DNA repair research, epigenetics, and resistance development in tumor diseases, in the molecular diagnostics in early detection of cancer, and in tumor epidemiology and outcome research.

The scientists and clinicians of the DKTK partner-site Frankfurt/Mainz aim for the discovery of new cancer mechanisms (exploitation of oncogenic mechanisms), find ways to identify the importance of these mechanisms in individual patients (molecular diagnostics) to therapeutically interfere with them (drug discovery and development, molecular therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy), and perform clinical trials to validate these novel diagnostics and therapeutics.

DKTK Spokesperson Mainz

Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Theobald
Director of the Department of Internal Medicine III, Hematology & Medical Oncology

Tel. 06131 17-7281

DKTK Faculty Members Mainz

Faculty Member DKTK Program
Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp Cancer Immunotherapy
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kindler Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms & Molecularly Targeted Therapy
Prof. Dr. Daniela Krause Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms & Molecularly Targeted Therapy
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Roth Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms & Molecular Diagnostics, Early Detection & Biomarker Development
Prof. Dr. Matthias Theobald Cancer Immunotherapy & Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms

DKTK Projects Mainz

The focus of Mainz for the DKTK is based on contributions to the tumor immunology / therapy program. The DKTK junior research group, led by Mr. Guezguez, is of central importance. In addition, Mainz participated and participates in different projects in the DKTK Joint Funding Program.
  • DKTK Molecularly Aided Stratification for Tumor ERadication (DKTK MASTER)
  • Impact of mutational pathways on immune environment, neoantigens and tumor rejection for the development of comprehensive biomarker panels and combinatorial approaches in cancer immunotherapy (ImmuNEO MASTER) 
  • Chimeric antigen receptor-engineered natural killer cells as a universal cellular therapeutic for adoptive cancer immunotherapy (UniCAR NK cells)
  • SI Individualized surgical oncology of gastrointestinal tumors (SI Surgery)
  • SI Joint Imaging Platform (SI JIP)
  • Molecular Tumor Board Alliance (MTBA)
  • Clinical development of lead NEOantigen-specific T cell receptor for Adoptive T cell therapy of solid tumors (NEO-ATT) 
  • Anatomical Resection of liver MetAstases iN patIents with RAS-mutated colorectal cancer (ARMANI): A randomized, multicenter, controlled trial 
  • Characterization of the osteo-hematopoietic niche during malignant evolution (CHOICE) 
  • Treatment of prostate carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung with a novel bispecific PSMAxCD3 antibody 
  • Cross-institutional, prospective, open label, single group, molecularly stratified phase I study of combined CRAF and MEK inhibition in advanced-stage malignancies harboring BRAF mutations with impaired kinase activity (SORATRAM)
  • Individualized Therapy for Relapsed Malignancies in Childhood (INFORM)
  • Anti-tumor immune responses induced by CAR-NK cell therapy in combination with checkpoint blockade in patients with glioblastoma (CAR2-BRAIN) 
  • Multidimensional Analysis of Response and Resistance to PARP Inhibition in Advanced-Stage MaliGnanciEs (MARRIAGE) 
  • Exploiting liquid biopsies to advance cancer precision medicine (EXLIQUID) 
  • Monitoring the immune modulating effects of combinatorial targeted and immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment (MIMETIC)

School of Oncology

The School of Oncology is designed for the training of scientists and clinicians in translational oncology. In addition to a cross-disciplinary training program within the partner site Frankfurt/Mainz and the DKTK in general, junior researchers will be integrated into an active scientific community. Annual retreats and summer schools, further training seminars and workshops as well as lecture series and exchange programs, which all focus on translational oncology, are available for the School of Oncology fellows to keep up a continuous insight into translational cancer research and clinical oncology.  

Interested in becoming a School of Oncology fellow?

If you are a clinician and haven't finished your residency yet, or if you are a scientist with medical background (up to 6 years after obtaining your doctorate), you can apply all year round by getting into contact with the School of Oncology coordinator in Mainz.

    Current School of Oncology Fellows

     Stefanie Deckert
    Stefanie Deckert
    Qualifikationen: Institute of Pathology - Research Group Tagscherer/Roth

    DKTK Program: Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms

    Dr. rer. nat Nadezda Dolgikh
    Dr. rer. nat Nadezda Dolgikh
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Kühn

    DKTK Program: Molecularly Targeted Therapy

    Dr.-Ing. Essak Khan
    Dr.-Ing. Essak Khan
    Qualifikationen: Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) & Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine - Research Group Danckwardt

    DKTK Program: Molecularly Targeted Therapy & Molecular Diagnostics, Early Detection and Biomarker Development & Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms

    Dr. med. Korbinian Nepomuk Kropp
    Dr. med. Korbinian Nepomuk Kropp
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Wölfel

    DKTK Program: Cancer Immunotherapy

    Dr. med. Johanna Rausch
    Dr. med. Johanna Rausch
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Kühn

    DKTK Program: Cancer Immunotherapy

    Dr. rer. nat. Viral Shah
    Dr. rer. nat. Viral Shah
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Sasca

    DKTK Program: Exploitation of Oncogenic Mechanisms

    Former School of Oncology Fellows

     Yagmur Bülbül
    Yagmur Bülbül
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Munder

    DKTK Program: Cancer Immunotherapy

     Alexander Lang
    Alexander Lang
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Echchannaoui/Hauptrock/Theobald

    DKTK Program: Cancer Immunotherapy

     Christian  Müller
    Christian Müller
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Echchannaoui/Hauptrock/Theobald

    DKTK Program: Cancer Immunotherapy

     Angelique Schönefeld
    Angelique Schönefeld
    Qualifikationen: Department of Internal Medicine III - Hematology & Medical Oncology - Research Group Guezguez

    DKTK Program: Cancer Immunotherapy

    DKTK Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat

    The annual DKTK Rhein-Main Cancer Retreat is organized together with the UCT Frankfurt to give an update about the DKTK projects the different groups are working on. Here, also the DKTK School of Oncology fellows present their work. This year's event will take place on November 7 and 8, 2024.