Wissenschaftliche PublikationenWollschläger D, Karle H, Stockinger M, Barkowiak D, Bührdel S, Merzenich H, Wiegel T, Blettner M, Schmidberger H. Radiation dose distribution in functional heart regions from tangential breast cancer radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 2016 119(1):65-70
Merzenich H, Bartkowiak D, Schmidberger H, Schmidt M, Schwentner L, Wiegel T, Woeckel A, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. 3D-conformal radiotherapy is not associated with the long-term cardiac mortality in breast cancer patients – a retrospective cohort study in Germany (PASSOS -Heart Study). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2017;161(1):143-152
Wollschläger D, Karle H, Stockinger M, Bartkowiak D, Bührdel S, Merzenich H, Wiegel T, Schmidberger H, Blettner M. Predicting Heart Dose in Breast Cancer Patients Who Received 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy. Health Phys 2017; 112(1):1-10
Wollschläger D, Merzenich H, Schwentner L, Janni W, Wiegel T, Bartkowiak D, Wöckel A, Schmidt M, Schmidberger H, Blettner M. Self-reported long-term cardiac morbidity in breast cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study in Germany (PASSOS Heart Study). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2017;163(3):595-604
Lorenz E, Blettner M, Lange B, Schmidt M, Schneider A, Schwentner L, Wollschläger D, Merzenich H. Prevalence of Cardiac Disease in Breast Cancer Patients at Time of Diagnosis Compared to the General Female Population in Germany. Breast Care 2018, Breast Care 2018;13:264-271 , DOI: 10.1159/000487261
Merzenich H, Wollschläger D, Almstedt K, Schmidt M, Blettner M, Schmidberger H, Stockinger M. Kardiale Spätfolgen nach Strahlentherapie und Chemotherapie. Der Onkologe 2018; 24:780–789.
Merzenich H, Blettner M, Niehoff D, Schwentner L, Schmidt M, Schmitt M, Wollschläger D. Cardiac late events in German breast cancer patients: a validation study on the agreement between patient self-reports and information from physicians. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2018 Nov 29;18(1):218. doi: 10.1186/s12872-018-0961-7.