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curAEducate - the curATime Competence Center

curAEducate is the young talent development program of the curATime cluster, a cluster of the 'Clusters4Future' initiative funded by the BMBF. The cluster partners are TRON gGmbH, the University Medical Centre Mainz (UM) and the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

The aim of curAEducate is to establish a comprehensive network that provides interdisciplinary, intersectoral and translational education and training for talented individuals and specialists with the goal to bind them to the region through excellent future prospects. The following formats are offered within curAEducates:

  • Exchange platform - by promoting exchange between working groups through e.g. short stays, the knowledge transfer of researchers of all levels of experience in the disciplines of medicine, life sciences and AI is actively promoted
  • curAFellows - give young scientists the opportunity to gain extended interdisciplinary experience at an early stage of their career, for example by working on cross-site research projects
  • Junior academy - workshops tailored to curATime requirements are offered here
  • Certificate - a certificate with a broad range of seminar and lectures is established to acquire translational expertise
  • Handbook - a handbook explaining translational case studies will be produced as learning material for the additional certificate
  • Hackathons - within several hackathons, in which curATime-specific questions are being addressed, an intensive exchange between the disciplines of medicine, life sciences and AI takes place

Dr Cathrin Nourse, curAEducate coordinator, will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the various offers.