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Outpatient clinic for pulmonary embolism (focus on pulmonary embolism aftercare)


 Kai-Helge Schmidt, MD, PhD
Kai-Helge Schmidt, MD, PhD
Funktionen Senior physician, Cardiology I
Research Associate

Follow-up care of patients who have suffered an episode of acute pulmonary embolism (PE) has been optimized in recent years on the basis of important new findings from clinical and epidemiological research. The PE outpatient clinic at the University Medical Center Mainz offers comprehensive check-ups to monitor and adjust the patients’ anticoagulant treatment, identify possible late complications after acute pulmonary embolism and, if necessary, initiate targeted therapy. The outpatient clinic is attached to the premises of the coagulation outpatient clinic in CTH building 403, on the ground floor. The coagulation outpatient clinic of the CTH is run in cooperation with the 3rd Clinic for Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology (Prof. M. Theobald).

The range of diagnostic services provided by the PE outpatient clinic encompasses clinical, functional (6-minute walking test, ECG, echocardiography, cardiopulmonary exercise testing), and laboratory diagnostics (including thrombophilia and advanced coagulation tests). Ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy and advanced imaging techniques (computed tomography and magnetic resonance pulmonary angiography) are performed as appropriate and followed, in case of abnormal findings, by right heart catheterization. The diagnostic examinations are carried out - on an outpatient or inpatient basis - in cooperation with the Department of Cardiology I (Prof. T. Münzel), the Department of Cardiology III-Angiology (Prof. C. Espinola- Klein), the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (Prof. C. Düber) and the Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (Prof. K. Lackner).

How to reach us:

To arrange a personal appointment, please contact the outpatient team directly

Telephone: 06131 17-8386, 17-8252 or 17-7342, Mondays - Fridays 9:00 am -15:00 pm
Fax: 06131 17-8461

E-Mail: Ambulanz.Lungenembolie-Nachsorge@unimedizin-mainz.de

Here you will find the Outpatient clinic:

University Medical Center Mainz
Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH)
Building 403, ground floor
Langenbeckstr. 1
D-55131 Mainz

Head of outpatient clinic for pulmonary embolism

 Professor Stavros Konstantinides, MD
Professor Stavros Konstantinides, MD
Funktionen Internal Medicine, Cardiology
Medical Director CTH

 Professor Philipp Wild, MD, MSc
Professor Philipp Wild, MD, MSc
Funktionen Preventive Cardiology and Medical Prevention, Professorship „Clinical Epidemiology“, Coordinator Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), Principal Investigator Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung (DZHK)

Technical staff

 Brunhilde Fischer, RN
Brunhilde Fischer, RN
Funktionen Study Nurse
06131 17-8386 06131 17-8461

 Silke Otto
Silke Otto
Funktionen Study Nurse
06131 17-8252 06131 17-8461

 Andrea  Schulz
Andrea Schulz
Funktionen Study Nurse
06131 17-8385 06131 17-8461

 Doris Schöneberger, RN
Doris Schöneberger, RN
Funktionen Study Nurse
06131 17-8252 06131 17-8461


 Heidrun Lamparter
Heidrun Lamparter
Funktionen Scientific documentalist thrombEVAL, VTEval
06131 17-8373 06131 17-5691